I Try to Run, But I Don't Wanna Ever Leave

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Sabrina POV

Marshall didn't know this, but I had been waiting for him to do something extraordinary. Something to get my attention. If he truly wanted to be with me, he would make it happen. I spent that entire week getting my hands dirty on another special project at Nike which I planned to work on simultaneously with the Eminem Carhartt sneaker. It was one of the main reasons I returned to Oregon. I received a few "I'm sorry" texts from Marshall throughout the week and they were sweet, but he caught me off guard when he flew me to Detroit by private jet. There was nothing like it! Finally, he put some real effort into our relationship.

My Friday was full of surprises, which began with Marshall calling me three times before I was even out of bed. I was brushing my teeth when he called again to tell me he had a special night planned and suddenly I felt like it was Christmas Eve. I used a personal day at work so I could get my hair done and find the right thing to wear. I went in for an hour or two in the afternoon just to tidy up loose ends and ran into my friend Heidi.

"Where are you going all spruced up like that? You have a hot date?"

A sneaky smile spread all over my face, "Can you keep a secret?" I motioned her into my office.

"What's going on? Is Marshall in town?" She leaned in, her blue eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"No, he's flying me to Detroit."


"Now! Like, right now!" My face was bright and animated.

"Drake's playing in Detroit tonight! You think he'd bring Eminem out?" She grasped my arms as we both jumped up and down together giddily there in my office.

"I have no idea. Marshall's kinda...unpredictable."

Heidi gave me the biggest hug before practically pushing me out the door and I could tell she was sincerely happy for me, "Sabrina, wherever he takes you, have so much fun! You deserve it."

I was in the air in a private jet within the hour and met by a driver in a black Escalade to continue the adventure. I was hoping our destination was Joe Louis Arena but wasn't positive until about five minutes before we arrived. Traffic was crazy and we had to wait in line for a few minutes, but when we got in the entrance, our driver was able to bypass all the other vehicles. He flashed some sort of pass that allowed us to go around to a section of the venue with an underground back entrance and Paul Rosenberg was waiting for me.

Marshall looked sexy as ever when I finally got to see him, and I was instantly reminded why I crave this man. His Air Maxes in his sexy walk, his leather jacket wrapped around his broad frame, his gold chain hanging over his muscular chest, his Kangal accenting his dreamy face. He looked so perfectly put together. I loved that little accent in his voice when he complimented my hair right off the bat. We hugged deeply for a few minutes, and when I was reminded how much I loved his scent, I never wanted to let go. Marshall led me upstairs and through a hallway which led to a room with refreshments and a couch which contained some of Drake's posse. They looked familiar from some business we did a while back.

"C'mon, you wanna meet Drake?" Marshall took me by the hand.

He led me to another room, and this one was much nicer. The lights were dim with music playing and there were big fuzzy couches with about a dozen people sitting around amongst Future and Drake. Some were smoking, some were drinking. I was the only female though. I felt a little nervous at first, but I knew that I was with Marshall, and everyone respected him. He wouldn't let anything happen to me.

"Yo, this is my girl, Sabrina." Marshall nodded towards them then towards me to make the introduction.

"Hey, you look mad familiar. Do I know you?" Drake flashed a cute smile, and I was flattered that he even remembered.

"Yes." I took his hand and shook it, "We met at Nike once. I was at the one collab meeting you attended."

"Right! You work for Nike! I remember you! Glad you could see me perform tonight girl!" He said loudly that everyone heard even over the booming music thundering in the background. Some girl and her friend entered the VIP area where we were hanging out and I assume the one was Drake's girlfriend when she took a seat on his lap.

I went to the other side of the room to grab a water amongst the refreshments and Marshall followed.

"You guys already know each other?" He pried.

"I'd hardly say that. I met him once in a meeting when I first got to Oregon to work on his collaborative project." I leaned in and held my hand to my mouth to whisper, "Your's is a lot more exciting though."

We both snickered and he leaned in for a kiss. It was the first time we'd been in each other's presence in a week, and it felt exhilarating. Marshall definitely made me feel special by bringing me backstage and meeting his friends; I was fairly certain it's not something he does often. I couldn't wait to see what else the night had in store for us. The show was about to start with Future taking the stage in just a few minutes.

"So, Drake got a deal with Nike. What do you know Future too?" Marshall sarcastically snarled.

"No, he's a Reebok guy." We walked back over to join the group.

Future shouted across the room in my direction, "Yeah, I just got a deal with Reebok."

Marshall held a smirk as he looked on to me with tongue in cheek.

"Your job must be dope as hell." He continued as he nodded in my direction.

"Yes, it definitely has it's perks." I smiled as Marshall put his arm around me.

If we would have stayed like that, I know the conversation would turn into sneakers and fashion which was a topic that I could talk about all day, but Future and some of the others left the room as they were about to go on. I liked that they knew me as not only Marshall's... friend, but also as an employee from Nike. Hip hop has had an immense influence on my occupation, and I love that what I do for a living is impactful to the culture.

"C'mon baby." Marshall grabbed my hand to pull me along with him. "I got you a special seat."

I was elated to watch the show from the backstage VIP area all night. Being behind the scenes at a concert is something I've never done before. I've always been in the nosebleeds. Marshall swooped his arms around me holding my back against him and I turned to meet his lips with mine. We stayed close like this for most of Future's performance until Marshall left my side. He said he had something to take care of.

I was a little worried because I didn't understand what was going on and where Marshall had gotten to. Future had already finished, and Drake's towering muscular frame came out to the electrifying crowd. He did his first song with still no sign of Marshall, but when the music to Forever came on, it clicked in my mind. The lighting was thrilling, big bold beams of white light shot through the air and the beat pounded throughout my body. Drake rapped the first verse, and as Marshall's part comes up, he entered through the stage. I screamed in the back of my throat as I've never screamed before. The crowd went crazy with all hands in the place to the sky. I loved how Drake hyped him up by dancing his tall figure, flailing his limbs all around the stage as Marshall spit bars to perfection. I felt so lucky that he invited me that night.

The show was even more amazing, fun, and full of surprises than I ever dreamed. The beat of the music pounded in my ears and throughout my body. Exhilaration floated through the air with the crowd cheering. Marshall finally found his way back to me after his performance, and we made ourselves scarce, kissing and cuddling for the rest of the evening as if we didn't just have a fight last time we saw each other.

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