All My Life

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AN: Disclaimer...When I chose to take the story in this direction, I later realized that I backed myself into a corner because for this to work, things need to be awful... for a moment. If a baby goes into foster care, it's not going to be a pretty story as to how it happened. The conditions must be dreadful. I got my inspiration from a time when I worked at a homeless shelter a few years ago and for whatever reason there was a baby going through withdrawals living there for about a week. I held him in my arms, I'll never forget him, and I sometimes wonder whatever happened to him. Now, I'm going to set him free.

Sabrina POV

I wore my big, dark sunglasses on my plane ride to Philly. My eyes teared up as I hate leaving Marshall, but I looked forward to the excitement of seeing this new little person being born into our family. I was so thankful for Marshall agreeing to look after my dog while I was gone. I planned on staying at my parents' house while I was in town because I hadn't seen my mom in over a year. It had never been that long, but I had been distant from everyone since I got divorced. It was a difficult time. Hopefully, Diana and Coco can patch this up for my sister to be the grandma she was meant to be. I would be thrilled to be a grandmother someday, but unfortunately, I couldn't even be a mother. It still tugged at my heartstrings. All my life. Everyday.

I made it to the hospital in the middle of the night and was so disappointed when my sister met me at the door hollering, "The baby was already born an hour ago!"

"Shoot, I missed it." I lugged my bag on my shoulder.

My sister frantically rambled on while we were in the elevator about how she believes that Coco is on drugs. I had questioned my niece over the past month about her mother's concern, but she adamantly denied it. Honestly, I didn't fully believe either of them. Diana continued how the baby was born not breathing and a team of doctors had to swarm in. I had to see them! I couldn't know what to believe until I saw them.

"We need a drug test! That baby needs drug tested!" My sister charged into the room.

"Get her the fuck out of here!" Coco yelled with a look of pure hatred for her mother plastered on her face.

I stood by as the medical staff briskly wheeled the baby down the hallway. He already had a tube in his nose to help him breathe, a cloth covered his eyes. I was guessing that was because they could already tell he was sensitive to light. The guard escorted Diana out of the room and thankfully she complied so as not to make more of a scene. My niece's face displayed pure loathing for her mother. There were two individuals by Coco's side whom I found out later was her boyfriend and his grandmother. I don't like to judge people by their appearance, but he had straggly hair and a face tat. Not at all who I pictured Coco to be with. Just sitting in the room with these people was awkward and there was no joyful celebration for a new baby.

I honestly wasn't surprised when a representative from Children and Youth showed up about thirty minutes later because I could tell something was horribly off with my niece. Nobody was talking, I sat there next to her, and she just lay there. I know she was exhausted from giving birth, but she didn't seem concerned about her new little baby at all. Her complexion didn't look well, it was dull and yellow with a sore on her chin.

"Ms. Caputo?" The CYS lady put her hand on my arm, "May I see you in the hall?"

"What the hell's going on?" I asked wide eyed once we were alone in the hallway.

"Follow me." She looked at me over her dark glasses.

Her heels clicked as she walked me down a long corridor to a private room with two other people waiting for us. I assumed they were also some from sort of social service agency and there was a sense of relief as I was in dire need of an explanation. My sister was no longer in sight, I had no idea where she had gotten to. I wanted to see my new little great nephew, but I knew in my heart something was terribly wrong.

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