I've Had a Lot of Women in My Bed, But You the Realest

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Marshall POV

Sabrina went to work at Nike the next morning there in Oregon while I tried to find shit to do around her apartment. I missed her within the first hour she was gone and hoped that no other dudes were hitting on her. I don't know why I always am so possessive. I found myself staring at the vase on her mantle and scoffed at my ridiculousness automatically assuming it had some deep sentimental value. I must get a grip on myself before I chase her away. Sabrina doesn't seem like the type to play games. She knows what she wants.

I checked out the pictures more closely than last night. They were aligning the mantle and hanging on the wall. There was one where Sabrina looked like a baby. She was maybe a teenager or so, along with who I assume to be her parents and siblings on a beach somewhere. There was one of her and her sisters and some other friends in flashy dresses at a fancy party. There was another of her on top of some impressive mountain she climbed. I may be in over my head with this girl. Something about her intimidates me.

Things would be perfect if things worked out between Sabrina and me. She wasn't like the other bitches I fucked with. She was polished and professional. She was classy while hoes I fucked with before were anything but. Sabrina wouldn't even talk to me until she left her husband. Of course, I just wanted her to cheat on him with me when we first met, but there's something I always admired in the way she handled that.

My phone buzzing in my back pocket broke my trance and I recognized that I had been grinning like a goon daydreaming about Sabrina.

"Hey honey." I answered when I saw it was Hailie.

"Hey, where are you right now? I got your text that you'll be gone for a few days. How come you didn't tell me you'd be traveling?"

"It was spur of the moment. I'm in Oregon."


"It's for Nike."

"Dad," her voice was quiet yet excited, "are you seeing someone?"

"What? What do you mean? What makes you think that?" I unsuccessfully tried to hold in my laugh.

My daughter giggled loudly at me, "I knew it!"

I couldn't hide anything from her.

"How can you tell?"

"C'mon, you're checking your phone all the time, the other morning when I came to the house there was a pink pair of Dunks in the hallway, and you were acting super weird." I kept quiet until she added, "And you seem really happy lately."

I exhaled before I spilled it, "Yeah, I have a girlfriend. But we're not on vacation or anything. She works for Nike, sometimes she flies back here for her job."

"That's so cool!" Hailie was giddily excited as I heard her clapping in the background, "So, when do I get to meet her?"

"Hailie, I don't know. We'll set something up when I get back."

"What's she like?"

I paused for a moment as a goofy grin came over my face, "Awesome. She's funny, she's smart, she got goals. She's really something different."

"Aw, I can't wait! I'm so happy for you."

Now that this was real, I had to start treating Sabrina as my girlfriend and not just some fuck buddy. I knew that meant I was supposed to do special shit for her, but my dumbass was in Oregon without security. That kind of limited me to only my girl's apartment, so I had to become creative. I started thinking about how I first met Sabrina and it was so crazy that I would have never met her if I didn't decide to work with Nike.

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