Chapter 2

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These next few chapters are best read listening to: 

Best- Gracie Abrams

I know it won't work- Gracie Abrams I miss you, I'm sorry- Gracie Abrams Rockland- Gracie Abrams

Where do we go now?- Gracie Abrams (and really anything gracie abrams)


"Tessa, there you are," Maggie says, as I walk out of the locker room. "There's a patient in Treatment 2 for you." 

"Great," I say, smiling. "Anything else I need to know before I go in there?" 

"One thing," Maggie says, looking almost guiltily at me. "You may not like what I'm going to tell you." 

"What is it?" I ask her, already nervous for what she might say. 

"The patient needs surgery, she was in a head-on car collision, and she took the brunt of the impact," Maggie explains. "She needs to go up to the OR immediately to be operated on." 

"I'm not following," I say, with a shrug. "Why wouldn't I want to hear that?" 

"Well, Connor is leading the surgery," Maggie says. "Look, there was nothing I could do to change it. He's the only one who can do it, and he has the experience needed."

"So, I'll have to talk to him?" I ask, sighing. "Wow. I haven't spoken to him since...well, you know. Since the breakup." 

"If it makes you feel better, I doubt that this is going to be very easy for him either," Maggie tells me. "But it's something that you'll both have to learn to get used to. You do work in the same place, after all."

"You're right," I say, nodding reluctantly. I don't want to have to do this, but she is right. We work together, and sooner or later, I am just going to have to face the music and talk to him. 

"He's already in there, getting ready to transfer the patient to the OR. You just need to do the initial checks," Maggie tells me, kindly. 

"Okay," I sigh. "Looks like I'm going to have to see him right away, then. That's fine." 

"Good luck," Maggie says, as I start to walk towards the treatment room. 

I take as long as I possibly can to walk there, a sign that I would rather be in any other situation than the one I'm in right now. 

I slowly walk into the treatment room, where I see Connor talking to the family of the patient. 

As I enter the room, we briefly make eye contact, neither of us saying anything. I can already feel the tension in here. 

I walk over to the patient, keeping my head down, although I can't help but overhear the conversation between Connor and the patient's family. 

I begin to check the patient over, seeing no reason why the surgery can't go ahead. I wait for Connor to finish the conversation before I speak. 

"The patient is all good for surgery," I say, smiling, although it feels forced. "You can take her up whenever you're ready." 

"The team is ready now," Connor says, almost robotically. "I was just informing the family of the procedure that we are going to do."

I nod, unsure of how else to respond to that. I look at the family, and assume that they must be the parents of the patient, and possibly her brother. 

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