Chapter 18

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permanent +1 - luz 

family reunions- maddie zahm 

"Tessa," I look up from my drink. "I'm just going to introduce myself to a few people. I'll be back in a second," Connor tells me, turning away. 

"Wait, where are you going?" I ask him. I didn't hear that first part. I guess I must have been zoned out, watching the surrounding event.

"Just to introduce myself to some people that my father wanted me to meet," Connor tells me. "Don't worry, I won't be long. I'll only be a few minutes," he reassures me. He most likely remembers how much I hate just awkwardly standing around at these types of events.

"Okay," I say, watching him walk away. I stand, awkwardly, still rooted to one position. I definitely feel out of place here, far away from my comfort zone. I'm not the sort of person who just waits around, but here I am, awkwardly doing just that. 

Unsure of what else to do with myself, I take another sip of my drink and watch Connor, who is over the other side of the room by now, surrounded by a huge group of people, looking as though he fits in. Connor stands confidently in the centre of the group, talking effortlessly with them.

I don't know how long I stand, waiting for him to return, but before long, Connor is walking back. "I told you I wouldn't be long," he says, coming back over to join me. 

"You didn't have to rush," I say, smiling. "You don't have to come back here on my account. If there's more people you need to see, you can go. It's fine." 

"I don't need to introduce myself to anyone else," Connor replies, shaking his head. "I'm all yours." He turns to face me. "What about you? Are you enjoying this?"

"Sure," I say, shrugging. I'm not exactly too thrilled about being at this event, but I don't want to show it. "I have a question, though. About this?" 

"Go on," Connor says, taking it seriously. "What's your question. Trust me, I've been to enough of these events to be able to answer any questions you'll have." He laughs, rolling his eyes subtly. "Okay, what is it? What's your question?" 

"It's not about the event," I clarify, quickly. "I wanted to know...why me? I mean, I know there's probably a whole queue of people who would love to go to one of these events, especially with you. Why did you ask me, out of everyone?" 

"Why wouldn't I?" Connor shrugs, clearly not thinking too much into it. "We're friends, right? And you've been to quite a few of these things with me, anyway." His tone seems casual, as though he was already prepared for this question.

"That makes sense," I say, nodding slowly. "I guess it was easier to ask me to go with you, than to find someone else at such short notice?" I'm not sure why I'm trying to figure this out, but something keeps playing on my mind. 

"Not exactly," Connor replies. "It's not that it was easier." He pauses for a second, looking over at me. The expression on his face is almost one of confusion. "You know, maybe I just asked you because I wanted to ask you?" he suggests, almost sarcastically. "We are friends. Maybe it's not so crazy to think that I might actually want to spend time with you?"

"What are you saying?" I ask, trying to make sense of it all. I hadn't planned for this to be such a developed conversation. 

"I'm saying, Tessa, that I asked you to go to this event, because I wanted to invite you." He sighs. "Not because it was easier, not for any other reason. I wanted you to come."

"Why me?" I ask, knowing that I'm opening up a whole new route of conversation that probably shouldn't be bringing up at an event like this. But on the other hand, if I don't ask it now, when will I?

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