Chapter 68

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champagne problems- taylor swift 


"You know what's ironic? You have a huge apartment in the city, and you're still sleeping on my couch," a voice says from somewhere above me.

I open my eyes, groggily. Everything is still a blur. "Tessa?" I mumble, confused. I'm face-down on a couch, and I can tell instantly that it isn't mine.

"Nope. Not Tessa. But I am a concerned friend," the voice tells me. I open my eyes to see Will, and recognise the surroundings as his apartment. What am I doing in Will's apartment?

"Will?" I try again, still waking up. I feel terrible, and I have a pounding headache. " I doing here?" I look around. "This is your apartment? Not what I expected."

"Okay, get off your high horse," Will tells me, scoffing. "You can hardly defend yourself, considering that you ended up here, on my couch."

"Exactly," I say, sitting up. "This is humiliating. What am I doing here...I don't remember anything."

"That's no surprise," Will says, rolling his eyes slightly. "You seriously don't remember? You really had a lot to drink last night, in the bar."

"I did?" I ask him, confused. "I guess I have a faint memory of sitting in the bar, but it's all just a blur from there. What happened?"

"Not much," Will informs me, helpfully. "I found you drowning your sorrows at the bar and I kindly suggested that you come back to my apartment, since you weren't exactly in any fit condition to drive back to your place, not that you'd even want to."

"How generous of you," I say, sarcastically, rolling my eyes. "I'm guessing that I must have told you about everything," I ask him.

"Yes," Will says, uncomfortably. He looks at the ground. "You told me that you broke up with Tessa. I wasn't sure if you were serious or not. Is that why you..."

"That's why," I tell him, interrupting. It isn't my proudest moment. "It doesn't matter. Thanks for letting me pass out on your couch."

"Don't worry about it," Will says, shrugging. He hands me a glass of water. "For the headache," he explains. "We've all had one of those nights."

"Thanks," I say, taking a sip of the refreshing water. "I don't know what I was thinking. It's safe to say that I won't be heading back to the bar any time soon."

"And that's probably a good thing," Will says. He sighs, sitting down next to me on the couch. "You know I'm hopeless at giving advice, but are you sure that breaking up with her was the right thing to do?"

"You as well?" I ask him, in disbelief. "Ava said the exact same thing to me. So did Tessa, actually. Did I seriously make a mistake?"

"Do you want my opinion?" Will asks. When I nod, he continues. "In that case, I think that you might not be completely over her. If you were over her, would you be drowning your sorrows in the bar?" Will looks at me triumphantly, after proving his point. I'm beginning to see what he means.

"We had to break up," I find myself explaining, against my better judgement. "It's just like you and Natalie. How can you really judge me when you've had your fair share of ups and downs?"

"Okay," Will says, nodding slowly. "But this is Tessa. She's practically the love of your life, or whatever it is you call her." He rolls his eyes. "Okay, I've made my point. You're the one who has to make the choice."

"I've already made a choice," I point out, shrugging. "I practically broke up with her. That's a choice."

"So that's why you're sitting on my couch looking as though someone gutted you from the inside out?" Will asks, raising an eyebrow. "Sure."

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