Chapter 61

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night shift- lucy dacus 

I'm sitting at one of the desks, going over some important paperwork, but I'd rather be anywhere else right now.

Connor hasn't said a word to me for about five days, ever since the complicated situation that ended up in Ms Goodwin's office.

Now, I feel like I'm being closely watched by Ms Goodwin, on top of everything.

Maggie walks towards me. "How is it going?" she asks me, sympathetically.

"I might go crazy if I have to do this for much longer," I say, sighing. "Ever since that meeting in Sharon's office, I've been practically sidelined and given all of this work to do."

Maggie nods. "I'm sure she's just doing this as a warning," she assured me. "By the end of the week, it will probably all go back to normal."

"That's easy for you to say," I sigh. "But I'm being punished for something that...wasn't entirely my fault. As far as I know, Ava and Connor can still do surgeries like normal. I'm the only one who is being drowned in paperwork."

Maggie pulls up a chair to sit next to me. "How are things going, with you and Connor?" she asks me. "Has he said anything to you about it yet?"

"He hasn't said anything to me at all," I tell her. "And I don't know if he will. He's just ignoring me, like we're not actually meant to be in a relationship."

"When do you think he'll come around?" Maggie asks. "He has to, right? For what it's worth, you're meant to be his girlfriend."

"Honestly, I don't know," I say, shaking my head. "I don't know if I should talk to him, but the last time I tried, he just shut me down completely."

"I guess he'll just come around after some time," Maggie says. "I don't know much about what happened, apart from what I heard from the nurses, but it can't have been that extreme. He has to talk to you at some point."

"That's what I thought," I say. "But I don't know anymore. Should I go and talk to him?"

"Maybe," Maggie says. "You should probably get a break from all of this paperwork," she advises. "I'll cover for you if Sharon asks."

"It's not just her," I say. "She has Dr Lanik on my case, too. You know how much he loves all this, right?"

"Ignore him," Maggie says, rolling her eyes. "Don't feed into his power trip. Just go and talk to Connor. You won't be able to fix anything if you're just sitting here."

I have to admit, Maggie does have a good point. I should probably go and see Connor if I want to have any chance of fixing things with him. I don't know why he hasn't said a word to me since it all happened, but I won't let him ignore me forever.


After walking all over the hospital, trying to find Connor, I finally track him down, sitting at a table. He's drinking a coffee and looking at a file.

"Connor," I say, walking over to him. I hadn't actually prepared what I was going to say.

"Are we over?" he asks, in a frustrated tone. I wasn't expecting that to be the first thing he said to me, after five days of silence.

"What?" I ask, surprised. "What, no? Why would you even say that?" I was coming to fix things with him, not to break up. Clearly, he had a different idea in mind.

"You haven't said anything to me in days," Connor says, pointedly. He still isn't making eye contact with me, but at least he isn't completely ignoring me anymore.

"No, you haven't said anything to me in days," I protest. "Five days, to be exact. You've been completely ignoring me, and the first thing you ask is whether we're over?"

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