Chapter 3

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Author Note: Songs I would recommend to listen to while you read all of these chapters!: 

Enough For You- Maisie Peters 

In My Head- Maisie Peters

These (along with others) are the songs that I listened to while writing this, so I feel that they perfectly sum up the chapters! hope you enjoy!

"How is he just walking around like nothing is happening?" I sigh, leaning against the desk. 

"I don't know," Maggie says. "But you should probably stop staring at him before he turns around." 

"But how?" I say, again. "I mean, look at him. He's just walking around it's just another day." 

"Tessa," Maggie says, sighing. "I mean this in the best possible way but you're starting to sound like a broken record." 

"I know, I'm sorry," I sigh, nodding. "You're right." 

"If you're going to start getting all melodramatic on me, I'd prefer that you didn't do it right here," she says, moving a sheet of paper away from where my arms are resting. 

"I'm not, don't worry," I say, sighing. "It's just, he was so...I don't even know what to say. Cold? It's like he didn't even know me." 

"It's probably awkward for him too," Maggie suggests, typing something. She seems busy. 

"I know, but it's like there was nothing. Like he hated me...almost?" I tell her, earnestly. 

"Tessa, he doesn't hate you. You're spiralling. How much longer are you going to dwell on this conversation, exactly?" Maggie asks me. 

"I'm not dwelling," I say, guiltily, although I really am, and she's right about the spiralling too. I just want to know..." I stop as she gives me another look. 

"You're doing it again," she tells me. "Look, you can over-analyse that conversation for hours on end, but you won't get anywhere." 

"I know, I know, you're right," I say, nodding. "Wait, I have an idea..." I say, as a thought begins to form in my mind. 

"Don't tell me," Maggie sighs, almost letting out a laugh. "I hardly want to know." 

"Why don't you ask him?" I suggest, hopefully, even though I know the chances of it happening are slim to none. 

"And why would I do that?" Maggie asks, smirking. "It's not like he wouldn't completely see through that, or anything," she adds, with sarcasm. 

"Well, I can't talk to him, he made that perfectly clear," I say, sighing. "You don't even have to ask him outright, you just have to mention my know?" 

Maggie sighs and shakes her head. "You know I'm not doing that," she tells me. 

"I know," I say, nodding. "Just thought that I would try it out. I mean, what else can I do?" 

"You could just leave it," Maggie suggests, absently writing something down on a nearby sheet of paper. 

"I could, but I'm going to have to see him, I mean, we work in the same place, and we'll have to work together..." I explain. "I don't want it to be like that every single time." 

"Well, I don't think you'll have to worry about it for much longer," Maggie tells me, without even looking up. 

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused. 

"He's coming over," she says in a low voice, almost a whisper, gesturing behind me. 

"Over here?" I hiss, not looking back. "Over to us? Why?" 

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