Chapter 51

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sweet nothing- taylor swift

"What are you doing?" I ask Connor, who is already getting ready to leave, despite it being extremely early.

It has been about a week and a half of 'keeping it quiet' and not telling anyone, and this is the first time that I've stayed the night at his apartment. Although, judging by the digital clock on the table beside the bed, it's way too early for him to be getting ready to go to the hospital.

"I have to get to the hospital early," he tells me. "I didn't even think you were awake yet."

"I've been watching you get ready for about twenty minutes, and wondering what you're actually doing," I tell him. "And why exactly are you going into the hospital early."

"I have a patient coming in today for an aortic valve replacement," Connor explains, proudly. "And I get to be the lead on the surgery. This is a big deal for me, for my career. It's extremely important that I get to the hospital early to prepare, and then go over the procedure with Dr Latham."

"Wow," I say, walking over to him. "You should have said something. I didn't have to stay over last night. I would have been fine with going back to my apartment."

"You didn't need to do that," Connor says. "It's fine. I still managed to wake up on time."

"What about me?" I ask him. "Are you going to wait for me to get ready, because it sort of looks like you're about to go now, and I just got up."

"You don't have to rush yourself," Connor assures me. "I was thinking that you could just leave when you're ready. You brought your stuff with you, didn't you?"

"Yes, but...I'd be in your apartment...alone." I pause. "Wouldn't that be really weird? I mean, are we really at that stage yet?"

"Tessa, don't read too much into it," he tells me. "You used to live here, right. I trust you. I don't think that you're going to destroy the place as soon as I'm out of the door. Just get ready here and then go when you're ready. It's not a big deal."

"You're sure?" I ask him. "I know I used to live here, but that was a while ago."

"I'm absolutely sure," Connor confirms, nodding. "Now, I really do have to go. This surgery is very important for me. As I said, it will help me advance as a surgeon. It's important for my career."

"You should go," I tell him. "You don't want to be late. Good luck with the surgery. I know that you'll be great."

"Thanks," Connor says. "I'll see you later, okay. I'll try and find a spare moment to see you, probably after the valve replacement."

"Okay, good luck," I tell him, as he opens the door to leave. "I'll keep your apartment safe while I'm in it."

Connor laughs slightly at this, as he leaves, closing the door firmly behind him, and leaving me completely alone in his apartment. I don't know why that feels so weird to me, especially considering that I used to live here.

I turn around, and go straight to where my things are. I might as well start getting ready now, since I'm already awake and moving.


two hours later

"Tessa," Maggie says, as soon as I walk into the ED, for the start of my shift. "I have something for you."

"What is it?" I ask her, looking up at the clock. "Sorry for being a few minutes late. The route to the hospital was...different this morning."

"What do you mean?" Maggie asks, confused, and for a second I forget that she doesn't actually know about last night, or last week, or any of it.

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