Chapter 12

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"Hi," I say, walking into the doctor's lounge where Connor is sitting at the desk, staring intently at the computer screen in front of him. 

It is a few days since he drove me back to my apartment, and we seem to be going on a good track for now. It finally seems like we're over everything, and can start being friends again, despite how I feel about everything. 

Connor looks over at me. "Tessa," he says. "I didn't even realise you came in. How are you doing?"

"I'm fine," I say, shrugging. "What about you? I noticed that you've been in here for a while now."

Connor sighs. "This patient. I can't figure it out. She almost died in the OR, even before we tried to operate. I'm looking at her charts right here, but nothing makes sense."

"Let me see," I say, peering over his shoulder. "Wow. I see what you mean. It's all over the place."

I try to read the information on the computer screen, but he's right. It's in a complete mess. I can't make sense of it. 

"I know," he says, nodding. "I haven't got a clue what to do. Not to mention the fact that Ava's on me about taking up her space in the OR. If I don't figure out what's happening with this patient, Dr Latham will replace me with Ava. Then I'll never hear the end of it."

I nod, politely. Back when we were together, Ava's name was always a sore subject in our relationship. Hearing her name used so casually now still feels strange at first, like it's a foreign language. 

"Sorry that I can't help you out," I tell him. "I've got my own complicated patient to deal with." I pause for a moment, as a thought crosses my mind. I take a second before speaking. "So...would you...want to get lunch later?" I ask him. 

Connor looks up at me again, clearly in surprise, although he is subtle about it. "Lunch?" he repeats, thinking it over. "Okay, sure. Where do you want to go? Do you want to get something in here or go to one of the food carts outside?"

"Whatever's easiest," I say, shrugging again. "I really don't  mind." That's true. I don't mind where we go, in fact, I'm just glad that we're getting lunch in the first place. A few days ago, I thought that we'd never be on good terms again. 

"Okay," Connor says, smiling. "I guess we'll eat in here. That way, if someone pages me, I can get back quickly. I'll see you then?"

"See you," I say, opening the door to leave. "Oh...and...good luck with your patient. I hope you figure it out."

"Thanks," Connor responds. He smiles at me. "And I hope so too. See you later." 

I close the door to the doctor's lounge, leaving Connor to look over the charts in peace. Just as I am about to walk away, I am approached by someone who I really didn't want to see right now. 

Lanik. Dr Lanik, walking straight towards me, with one of his smug smiles. "Tessa," he says, as he walks closer to me. "What is he doing in there? He's taking up a computer space, and he's been down here for a while. What's happening in there?"

"Nothing," I say, folding my arms. "He's just looking over the charts of a patient. It's not a big deal. He'll probably be done in a second."

"I've noticed the two of you getting close," Lanik starts, his smug smile coming out again. I am not talking about this with him, of all people. 

"No," I say, firmly. "We're not doing this. For the last time, it really doesn't matter. It's none of your business."

Lanik looks embarrassed for a split second, before standing up straighter and clearing his throat professionally. "Right. Well, your patient probably needs to be checked on. You should go and do that."

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