Chapter 9

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"Incoming, Trauma 3," Maggie yells. "Dr Miller, it's you. Go!"

I quickly rush out to meet the patient, who is being brought in on a gurney. She is breathing heavily, eyes wide with panic. 

"Hi, sorry, I'm Dr Miller. Can you lie still for me?" I check her eyes- her pupils are dilated. "Can you tell me your name?" I ask her, loudly. 

The woman mumbles something that I can't understand. It sounds like she might be speaking a different language. I look up at one of the ambulance crew that brought her in. "Any idea what's she's saying?"

"She doesn't speak English," one of them tells me, as we transfer her to the bed. "I'm pretty sure it's Spanish." 

"Great," I say, checking her over. I tell the nurses to push medication. "Any of you speak Spanish?"

They each shake their heads. Perfect. Now I need to find someone to translate. 

The woman seems to have calmed down, as the medication is beginning to take effect. It's safe for me to leave the room now. 

I rush over to Maggie, who is busy at her desk. "What happened?" she asks me, as I reach her. 

"My patient doesn't speak a word of English, I don't think. I'm not really sure. One of the ambulance crew told me she's Spanish," I explain. 

"You think?" she laughs, raising an eyebrow. "I don't think we can use anyone in here. We may have to get a translator in. It'll take a while."

"April speaks Spanish, right?" I ask, thinking out loud. "What about her. She could translate. Where is she?"

"Normally she could translate," Maggie explains. "But she's taking a sick day today. She isn't here." 

"Today of all days," I sigh. "Looks like we'll have to get a translator in, if there's no one else."

As soon as I finish my sentence, Doris turns around. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop," she says. "But isn't there someone else who speaks Spanish?"

"Who?" Maggie asks. "Because I know for a fact it's not you. Who is it?" 

"Over there," Doris tells us, with a smile on her face. "You forgot." 

I turn around to see where she is pointing. You have to be kidding me?! "Why is he always down here?" I mumble, annoyed. 

"What?" Maggie asks, turning back around. "Ah, right. I forgot." She looks sheepish for a moment. "But Doris is correct. He speaks Spanish."

"No he doesn't," I say, shaking my head. "I think I would know if he spoke a whole other language, right?" 

"He does," Maggie says, grinning. "How could you not know! All that time you spent together." She laughs at this. 

"Are you sure?" I ask, doubtfully. "I mean, maybe you're getting him confused with someone else?" 

"Nope, it's him," Doris says, turning around to face us again. "You're lucky he's here, he isn't down here a lot."

Yes. So lucky. He might not be down here a lot, but he seems to be down here at the worst possible times. 

"You know, she's right," Maggie says. "I've heard him, myself. Looks like you don't know everything about him, after all?"

"Are you really sure?" I ask her. "I can't believe that he wouldn't have even mentioned it. I've never even heard him say anything in any other language."

"I guess you'll be even more mind blown when I tell you that Spanish isn't the only language he can speak," Maggie laughs, grinning. 

"You're joking," I say, with an unsure smile on my face. "He doesn't, right? Wait, what other language can he speak?"

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