Chapter 38

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happier- olivia rodrigo 

I'm at least three minutes late for my shift. I hadn't intended for this to go on for so long, but now that Connor and I have resumed our usual coffee routine, I want to make the most of it.

The two of us are walking to the elevator, so that we can be on time for our shifts to start. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like that will be possible. 

"We're going to be late," I tell him, already thinking of what Maggie is going to say. I have no doubt that she'll have something to say about all of this.

"We'll be fine," Connor says, shrugging. "It's only a few minutes. That's fine." He doesn't seem to bothered by the time, but I am. He's lucky to not have Maggie waiting for him, ready to say something about the importance of punctuality.

"Come on," I say, as the elevator doors open. We step in, and wait for the doors to close again. 

"You don't need to rush," Connor laughs, looking around. "This elevator is packed. I think this might take a while."

I look around the elevator, and he's not wrong. I sigh. "Okay. Fine. I guess we'll have to wait until it stops. We might as well continue our conversation." I look at him. "So, your birthday? It's only about two days away. Do you know if you're doing anything?"

"I don't think so," Connor replies, shrugging. "I wasn't planning to do anything. Just a quiet night, back at my apartment. Nothing special."

I nod. "That sounds nice," I say. I do sort of wish that he was having some sort of celebration, even if it was just something small. Although, Connor never was that eager to celebrate his birthday. That's something I remember about him.

After what seems like the longest elevator ride ever, the doors finally open, and I step out. "I'll see you later," I say to Connor, already starting to rush off. I'm well aware of the time, and even more aware of what Maggie will say to me if I'm even a minute later than I already am.

"See you," Connor says, smiling. He doesn't have time to say anything else, before I turn around and make my way to the ED. I'm at least ten minutes late now, and Maggie's lecture is almost inevitable.

Just as I predicted, Maggie greets me with a frown and her arms firmly folded. "Tessa," she says, disapprovingly. "I imagine that by the guilty look on your face, you already know how late you are?"

"Yes," I say, guiltily. "Ten minutes. I know, I know. I have a good explanation, I think. The elevator was slow, and we got caught up." I know it's not exactly the best excuse, but it is the truth. That's why I was so late. Of course, I know that Maggie will want more of an explanation.

"Excuses don't work with me," Maggie says. "Tessa, you know I'm thrilled that you and Connor are starting to build your friendship back up, but not at the cost of your career! I know it's only ten minutes, but what happens if it becomes twenty, and then an hour?" Maggie sighs. "Try not to be late tomorrow, okay?"

"I won't be late, I swear," I tell her, making a mental note to actually check the time tomorrow. "This is the last time. I'm sorry. I'll even make sure that I'm early tomorrow." I don't know if I'll be able to keep that promise, but I'll try.

"That's exactly what I want to hear," Maggie says, smiling. "Unfortunately, you were late. You know what that means." Her smile grows. "There's this kid, in Treatment 3. Really bad case of the flu. I'm talking...coughing everywhere, sneezing, everything disgusting. Since you were late, she's yours. Enjoy." Maggie laughs.

"Really?" I sigh. This is probably my worst nightmare. "Maggie, come on. You can't be serious?" I try to look into the treatment room, but the curtain is closed. "Are you really going to give me this patient?" I ask her, in disbelief.

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