Chapter 57

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(author note: just know that to write this chapter i had to add chicago AND thailand to my phone's world clock and do all sorts of insane calculations to be able to write some parts of be grateful haha😭😭)

come here- taylor swift

I watch as Connor walks away from me, towards the airport gate. It's strange to think that he'll be away for a whole week. Even when we weren't together, I would still see him at the hospital almost every day. Now, I won't see him for a week.

He waves to me, before turning the corner. I wave back, putting on a smile. This is like some sort of scene from a movie. I guess that I'm more sentimental than I thought.

Ava is a short distance behind him, and she also waves to me. "Don't worry," she calls out. "I'll look after him."

I roll my eyes. I know exactly what Ava is trying to say with that comment, but I won't let her get inside my head. "I'm sure you won't need to!" I call back, just loudly enough so that she can hear.

I trust Connor completely. There were times in our lives where I didn't think that I would, but I do. I doubt that he would ever do anything to jeopardise our relationship, especially not when it's in the early stages. I have nothing to worry about, I'm sure of it. 

I turn away to leave, and just as I do, I see another man standing by my side, waving enthusiastically to Ava. She's waving back, with a smile on her face that actually looks genuine. That's a rare thing to say.

"Who are you?" I ask him, light-heartedly. I hadn't noticed him until several seconds ago, and I don't recognise him. Whoever he is, he seems to know Ava very well.

"I'm Ava's boyfriend," he says, politely. "You're Tessa, right? Connor's girlfriend? I've heard about you."

"Nothing good, I'm sure," I say, shrugging. "Wait, so you're Ava's boyfriend? Of how long?"

"Not long," he says. "But it's going really well." He smiles again. "She's really great. She's a good person."

"Ava? Really?" I compose myself quickly. I don't want to be the sort of person who insults someone to their boyfriend's face. "I mean, sure. I don't think I've seen that side of her yet, but I'm sure I some point."

"She's amazing," he continues, and I'm starting to wonder if he's exaggerating at all. "I don't think I've ever met anyone quite like her."

"Well, she's definitely very...unique," I say. "So, you're not worried about the trip?" I ask him. "You know..."

I don't want to say it directly, because I refuse to be that sort of person. That would make me just like Ava. If she really is getting into a new relationship, then that's good for her. I want it to succeed.

"No, I don't know," he says, seeming confused. Clearly Ava didn't tell him everything. "Why? Is there something for me to be worried about?"

"You don't know?" I ask him. "Your girlfriend used to date my boyfriend. Not once, but twice."

"I...wasn't aware of that," he replies. "Ava didn't tell me." He looks as though he's a few small steps away from going into a complete existential crisis. Maybe I shouldn't have brought up my own doubts.

I genuinely don't want to ruin Ava's relationship. That doesn't make me any different from her. Still, I couldn't help but mention it to him. If she's going to try and get in my head, then maybe I should get in hers.

I walk past Ava's boyfriend, as I go to leave. I don't know if I made the right decision by telling him, but it's the full truth. If Ava didn't tell him, there must be a reason that she didn't mention it.

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