Chapter 22

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(author note: omg yes i'm doing the other povs!! this is going to be rare though!)

what if i love you- gatlin

I can feel my eyes beginning to close, the exhaustion of a day's worth of emergency surgeries weighing heavily on me. My energy is definitely depleted, which is why I chose to rest early tonight. It isn't even that late, and my eyelids are already struggling to stay open. 

I groggily look up at my blinds. I forgot to close them before climbing into the bed, and I'm far too exhausted to get up again and close them, so now I'm stuck with an uncomfortable light being cast right onto my face. I'm hoping that it'll move soon. 

I turn to the side, feeling the need to close my eyes and sleep. I hear the sound of my notifications for my phone, but the familiar noise seems so far away, as if it's in another room. 

I open my eyes, realising that my phone is next to me, the volume turned down so quietly so that it wouldn't disturb me while I got in some much needed rest. So much for that. 

I pick my phone up and enter my passcode, sitting up so that I'm not tempted to close my eyes. At least I'm awake enough to answer whatever message I've received. I click on my messages, and wait for the new ones to load. 

To my surprise, they are all from Tessa, all sent within a span of a minute. I quickly open them. If she's sent so many texts, something serious could be going on. I wait for the messages to load, and once they do, I read them. 


hi its me

we went 2 the bar 

btw i know all about u sleeping with ava 

bet ur shcoked 


haha anywhay the bar we went there and had a few drinks 

but i know all about u and ava 

3 nights wowww u must be gettin g so serious

oops aprils calling me see u tomorrow  probably wont even get any of these 

I roll my eyes. I'm half-tempted to just block her. This is definitely not what I need. Although, I can't help but focus on one of her poorly written drunk messages. She knows about me and Ava. Great. That means I'm probably in for another confrontation tomorrow. The very thought of it makes me dread tomorrow.

I don't exactly have a concrete explanation for why I didn't tell Tessa. I wasn't purposely keeping it from her. If she had asked me straight-out, I would have told her. I didn't want to keep her in the dark, but I also couldn't find the right time to bring it up. How would I even tell her about something like that, in a way that didn't end with her yelling at me.

I close the messages from Tessa. I just don't have the energy to respond to any of them. As I place my phone back down, I wonder how she actually came to find out about me and Ava. I know that Ava didn't tell her, as I specifically asked her not to. The only other person that I even mentioned it to was Will.

I audibly sigh, realising my mistake. Will told her. Of course he did. I contemplate texting him, asking for an explanation, but I don't. Perhaps, in a way, it was better for Tessa to find out like this. At least I didn't have to deal with the awkwardness of having to tell her directly.

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