Chapter 47

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author note: all i can say is get ready for the plot twist! this chapter is going to take you on a journey, and i hope the cliff hanger is just as wild as the rest of it! as always, i hope you enjoy reading this chapter, and get ready for the next few chapters, because they're about to get really intense!

nervous- dasha

"Tessa," Maggie says to me, as I walk past. My shift has just started. "Come here," she says.

I walk over to her. "What is it?" I ask. "My shift just started and I have a patient that just presented with a lot of symptoms."

"I know, but I need a favour," Maggie says. "I wish I could leave the desk, but I'm far too busy." She points at a large stack of papers. "None of these patient files have been logged yet. Do you mind taking them?"

"Sure," I say, shrugging, because I am heading that way anyway. I pick up the files, and start to walk away. It might be taking time out of my shift, but I don't mind. Anything for a five minute break.

I push open the door, and just as I walk through, I come face to face with Connor. "Careful," he says, taking my arm instinctively. "You almost tripped."

"Thanks," I say, straightening up. "I'll look where I'm going next time." I laugh. 

"You have a lot on your hands there," Connor remarks, gesturing to the huge stack of papers and files that I'm carrying in my arms. "Is Maggie getting you to do all of her work?"

"Not exactly," I tell him. "I offered to take these. I was coming this way, anyway. These patient files haven't been logged yet. I was just going to put them down here."

Connor nods. "Okay then. I guess I'll see you later, as long as Maggie doesn't get you running more of her errands."

"She said that she couldn't leave her desk!" I reply, as he leaves. I smile, placing the patient files down on the desk, making sure that they're all in the right order.

I'm still smiling.


several hours later

Natalie and I are heading towards the elevator a few hours into our shifts. She is describing a current patient's symptoms. 

"I just can't get my head around it," she starts, sighing. "It's complicated, and really confusing me. The symptoms just don't add up!"

I nod, sympathetically. I've been there before. I get how that feels.

"Anyway, enough complaining," Natalie suddenly says, contradicting herself. "I was meaning to ask about you. Yesterday, you were talking about mixed signals."

"I was," I agree, nodding. I had secretly hoped that she just wouldn't bring that up, that she would have forgotten all about that conversation. Clearly, I was wrong. "But I don't know..."

"And I was telling you that there had to be some feeling there, no matter how mixed those signals were," Natalie continues, as though she hadn't even heard me. "Do I need to say it again...did you see the way he was looking at you yesterday? At the cafe? I know that I wasn't the only one who noticed something there."

"He has definitely been giving me these signals," I say, not wanting to fall into this conversation, but I have been thinking about it. "He gave me his coffee, complimented my hair, remembered my dress, the details, everything. Am I just wishing something into existence here?"

"I don't think so," Natalie says, shaking her head. "From what you've told me, he's sending signals. Of course, I can't be completely sure, but no one says all of that unless they have another motive."

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