Chapter 27

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villain- maisie peters 

It has been a few hours since Kyla showed up at the hospital, and although it had been unexpected that I would actually get the chance to talk to her, I actually like her. I'm happy for both of them. I haven't even thought about it in a few hours. This is the first time that I am revisiting the events of this morning, in my mind.

Kyla does seem nice, genuinely. From the limited view that I've had of seeing them together, I think that they have the potential to work out well. It's just like everyone has been saying to me, over the past few days, I'm not going to do anything to mess this up for them. 

Her showing up at the hospital was slightly unprecedented, and I don't know whether it will turn out to be a regular occurrence, but for now, it's fine. It's not like I should be having an opinion on it, anyway. It's nothing to do with me, not anyway.

I have been working with Will, on a young patient that is showing concerning symptoms, and is currently up on the Radiology floor, for scans. Will walks up to me now, getting my attention. "Tessa? Our patient just went up for the scans in Radiology." 

"That's good," I say, nodding. I know that the wait times have been particularly difficult recently. "That should give us a clearer picture on what's going on, and we should hopefully be able to make some sort of diagnosis, right?"

"I think so," Will says, nodding. "At least, that's what I'm hoping." He pauses for a second, seeming to question whether to say something. "So...I saw you chatting to...Connor's new girlfriend," he says. Of course, he just had to bring that up.

I nod, slowly. It's almost like Will could sense that I was thinking about it. Still, just because I was going over it, doesn't mean that I actually want to talk about it. In fact, it's the opposite. "I did," I confirm, intentionally keeping my response short. 

"How was that?" Will asks, definitely trying for some sort of conversation about this. "I mean, it has to be tough on you, right? I would definitely struggle with it all if I were you."

"It's fine," I tell him, shrugging to seem nonchalant. "Kyla seems nice, and it really isn't anything to do with me anymore. I'm just happy that they're both working out well." I make a point that I don't want to continue talking about this, anymore.

Will does not take that hint. "So, you think she's nice?" he asks me. "That's good. I think so, too." He lowers his voice slightly. "Are you just moving forward for good now? Is that it?"

"Yes," I say, once again. I've lost count of how many people I've had to confirm this to. "That's it. Moving on, moving forward." I look at him, pointedly. "Why? What are you thinking?"

"Nothing," Will replies, guiltily. "I just wanted to know what you think of Kyla, and the whole situation, that's all?" He phrases it as a question, clearly hoping that I will still give him some sort of answer.

"I think Kyla is nice, for the last time," I say, frustrated. "She seems great, but I don't really know her all that well." Will doesn't say anything, leaving a silence that I keep talking to fill, for some reason. "I guess...she doesn't really seem like his type. She's a nice person."

"Aren't you a nice person?" Will asks me. He looks at me, and I feel as though, however I react, he will remember it. 

"I'm not his type," I say, quickly. "That's why we didn't work out." Before I can say anything else, I stop myself. I don't want to start this conversation, and I still stand by that. "I should probably go and follow up on some things," I say, giving a weak excuse to leave. 

Will accepts it, nodding. I think that he can also feel the awkwardness of my confession. "Okay," he says. "You should go. I also have a few things to check on."

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