Chapter 54

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paris- taylor swift

(continued from previous chapter)

"You're drawing more attention to yourself by not looking," Maggie tells me. We're both still standing a short distance away from the doctor's lounge, where Connor and Kyla are having their long-awaited conversation, that just went in a completely different direction.

"What's happening now?" I ask her. "And no, I won't look, because what if one of them happens to see me. Then I'm just the paranoid girlfriend all over again, and I really don't want to be."

"But you are being slightly paranoid, you have to admit," Maggie says, slowly. "Otherwise, would we really be here, trying to figure out what they're saying."

"Wouldn't you?" I ask her. "I'm not being paranoid about it, but they did only just break up." I pause. "And you just told me that she started crying...?"

"I did," Maggie says, nodding. "That was weird. They're still hugging." She stops, abruptly. "Not sure if you wanted to hear that."

"They're still hugging?" I ask, confused. "What is that, five minutes now?" I sigh. "It doesn't mean anything. It's a hug. You're right, maybe it is getting to me. Maybe we should stop looking at them?"

"Your choice," Maggie says, shrugging. "This would all be a lot easier if you just turned around and looked for yourself. Then you could make your own assumptions about what they're doing."

"What are they doing?" I ask. "You have a weird look on your face. Does that mean they're doing something?" I wait for Maggie's reply, fully aware that watching them like this is wrong.

"Nothing," Maggie says. "She's like...wiping her eyes on his shoulder." Maggie stops. "This feels weird to describe. Like a major invasion of privacy."

"I don't know what I was thinking, trying to watch them like that," I sigh. "I guess it really did get to me, that was weird. We should go, and give them some actual space. Do me a favour, and let's not mention this to them."

"Done," Maggie agrees, nodding. "I don't want to tell them that I was looking into their weirdly intimate apology."

I freeze at the word intimate. "We should go, before I start jumping to conclusions," I say, quickly. "Come on, let's go over here. It's completely out of view, and you can't even see the doctor's lounge window from here." 

Maggie follows me, neither of us looking back into the window. We've already invaded too much into the conversation, even though I would pay any amount of money to become a fly on the wall in that room right now, and know exactly what they were saying. Still, I know that I need to trust Connor.

"You're thinking about what they're doing still, aren't you?" Maggie says to me. She isn't wrong about that.

"Maybe, I guess I am," I say, guiltily. "I trust Connor, I really do. I just feel weird about it."

"I get it," Maggie says, nodding in sympathy with me. "I know how it feels, but you really should trust him, this time around. Try not to think about the past."

"You're right," I agree. I know, deep down, that she's talking complete sense. "I should trust him. I want to."

"You should," Maggie tells me, in a slightly firm tone. "Just wait until he comes out. Then, you can make all of your assumptions."

Fortunately, I don't even have to wait too long for Connor to come out of the doctor's lounge, because seconds after, the door opens and he walks out.

"Go, talk to him," Maggie tells me, gesturing over to where Connor is leaving the room, closely followed by Kyla. Luckily, they both go separate ways.

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