Chapter 66

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back to december- taylor swift 

author note: i'm so so sorry this chapter is so damn dryyyy  genuinely, it took me so long to write this, as you can probably tell😃 but i swear i have some really big things coming up, some good storylines but this chapter especially is just a little bit...dry👀 i'm sorryyy

last night (valentine's day):

"I don't know what to say," Connor starts, as we have been driving in silence for about fifteen minutes. "That wasn't how I wanted tonight to go. I'm just...I'm sorry."

"I know," I say, staring straight ahead rather than looking over to the side, and have to see his guilty face. I can't deal with that right now. "I didn't meant to's just, you called me Kyla, you thought that I was her."

"I didn't do that intentionally," Connor tells me, earnestly. He seems genuinely apologetic, and that somehow makes it worse."Look, I'm sorry. I'm exhausted. I didn't mean to ruin this night, but I don't want to fight about this."

"I think we need to have space away from each other, just for tonight," I blurt out, not too sure where that actually came from. "I'm sorry, I just...I don't know. I need to think, and I don't know if I can." I sigh, finally allowing myself to look over to him. "Maggie is having something at her place. I'll stay the night, and then we can talk, okay. I just need one night."

"One night," Connor repeats, nodding. "Okay. One night. Do you want me to drive you to Maggie's?"

"Thank you," I say, grateful that he understands why I'm doing this. "I'm not trying to push you away, I just want to think. I need space. I'm still trying to get my head around what happened tonight."

"I know, I understand," Connor says, nodding. He has the exact guilty face that I didn't want to see. It makes me feel worse. "Look, I'm completely in the wrong here. It's down to me. I swear, Tessa, you're so important to me. I didn't mean for it to all unfold like that."

I nod, letting out a slight sigh. "I know that," I tell him. "I know that you care about me." I stop, unsure what to say. "I just need to get over it, I need time."


Several minutes later, Connor awkwardly dropped me off outside Maggie's place, and just drove off. He seemed as though he was eager to get out of there, and I don't blame him at all.

I knock carefully on Maggie's door, aware that it's late and there's a slight possibility that she could be asleep. Despite that, she still opens the door quickly.

"Tessa?" she asks, looking confused. "What...what are you doing here? Come in." She gestures to where Natalie and April are sitting together on a sofa, a rom-com paused on the TV. Both of them look up at me, with equally confused faces.

"I'm sorry for crashing your movie night," I say, apologetically. "Let's just say that my date didn't exactly go as planned. I just need to spend some time away from him. One night, that's what we said."

"What happened?" Natalie asks me, her eyes wide with concern. "You seemed really excited to go on that date night earlier. What did he do?"

"I don't even know why it's getting to me so much," I start, shrugging. "He called me Kyla, and got me mixed up with her not once but...three times." I sigh. "He picked this beautiful restaurant, that he insisted was my favourite. Except, it was actually hers. He took me to Kyla's favourite restaurant, on Kyla's ideal date night."

"That's awful," April says, sympathetically. "How could he make a mistake like that?"

"Apparently, he's really exhausted from that research project that he's doing right now, and that makes him confuse his current girlfriend with his ex girlfriend." I shake my head, almost disapprovingly. "I don't even know what happened. All I know is that my date night has essentially failed, and I just want to watch this rom-com with you, and forget about him."

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