Chapter 32

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look after you- the fray


I pull up outside the hospital and Kyla quickly rushes to open the car door. I misjudged the time, and as a result, I arrived at the hospital five minutes later than I usually would have done.

Kyla seems impatient to go, which is understandable. Her office job is strict about timings. She can't afford to be late. 

"I'll see you later," I tell her, although I can tell that all she's thinking about is hurrying to her office building. "I swear I won't be late this time."

"Don't be," Kyla reminds me, and I know that I won't. That was a one time thing, a temporary fixation on the argument with Tessa. It won't happen again, I'm sure of it. 

I cut our conversation short, as I know that Kyla is impatient to go. She doesn't want to be late, I get that. I smile at her, before walking away, in the direction of the hospital.

Walking back into the hospital makes me feel oddly uneasy for a number of reasons. I'll have to see Tessa again, and most likely come face to face with her wide eyes, and I'll have to try and stop myself from apologising for everything and running straight back to her. If I let my guard down, I would. That's why I have to be careful.

Another reason is that I'll probably have to see Maggie. I never responded to her text from last night, mostly because I think she has a point. If Kyla knew about these text exchanges with Tessa, I don't know what she'd say about it, and I don't want to find out. I think that what Maggie said is right, and I don't know if I'm quite ready to come to terms with that.

Unfortunately, the first face that I see when I enter the hospital, is Maggie. She briefly nods at me, a silent greeting. Luckily for me, she is too busy dealing with one of the student doctors, to say anything to me. I'm glad. I don't think I want to receive another reality check from Maggie just yet.

As I'm about to sign in, a strong hand pats me on the back. "You're late," the voice says, and I know instantly who it is. Lanik. Just the person who I particularly wanted to avoid. 

I don't usually want to see him anywhere, but today, especially, I would rather him stay well out of my way. I have too much on my mind to deal with him as well. 

"I'm not late," I tell him, sighing. "There was traffic. I can't control that." I say it like I'm challenging him to say anything else. I just want him to leave me alone.

"Right," Lanik says, nodding. "I see. Traffic." He makes it perfectly clear that he doesn't believe me. "Anyway, I hear that you've involved yourself in more drama around here," he remarks, smugly.

"Have I?" I mumble, rolling my eyes. Dr Lanik can be insufferable sometimes, always eager to challenge me. "I didn't think so."

Lanik shrugs, not bothering to elaborate on it. "I think you know what, or who, I'm talking about," he says. "I've heard things." Dr Lanik pauses, and waits until just the right moment. "Don't be late again, Rhodes," he reminds me, in an obviously snarky tone. He isn't even trying to hide it.

The minute that I look up from signing myself in, I see Tessa. I can spot her immediately, talking to Natalie in a low voice, over the other side of the ED. At least she looks happier now, no longer affected by the events of yesterday. That puts my mind at ease, just slightly. At least she's okay now.

I take the elevator upstairs, and I am instantly greeted with Ava's look of confusion. "You're late," she says, folding her arms over her chest. "That isn't like you. What happened?"

I don't want to explain myself to Ava, either, so I just shrug. "Traffic," I tell her. "And I was hardly late. Just a few minutes. It's not big deal." I look around. "What have we got today?" I ask her.

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