Chapter 65

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author note: i should probably have written a light fluffy valentines day chapter but you know that's not me 😭 so get ready for emotional torment (sorry in advance but i have to do it...)

author note two: i accidentally forgot to finish this for the actual valentines day so just pretend that this is the actual day🤭

The hospital is decorated for Valentine's Day, just as it is every year, with paper hearts strung up over the nurse's station, and cupid arrows in each of the treatment rooms. The decorations are cheesy, but I have to admit that they're cute, and made me smile when I walked into the hospital for the start of my shift.

"Do you like them?" Maggie asks me, noticing that I was admiring all of the decorations, especially the strangely large red heart stuck onto one of the walls. "I spent ages putting that together last night."

"You did all of this?" I ask her, turning around. I didn't expect that from Maggie. "Wow, that's dedication. I love it, actually. I bet the patients are going to think it's great."

"I forced April, and a few of the other nurses to help me out. Of course, Doris spent the entire time complaining about how she was going to be single on Valentine's Day, but that's Doris for you. She'll never change." Maggie laughs. "But wait, I forgot to ask you about today. Did Connor do anything for you?"

"He wasn't there when I woke up," I say, truthfully. I didn't mind it, as he had already arranged to be in early to work on a new cardiothoracic research project. "I'll see him tonight, though. We'll go out somewhere. He booked a restaurant."

"How romantic," Maggie says, sweetly. "Have fun. I bet you'll go somewhere nice, knowing that Connor has the money to spend. You'll probably be stuffed full of some eleven-course meal with weird meats and caviar, while the rest of us watch cheesy rom-coms in our apartment." Maggie laughs. "No, seriously, have fun. You'll have a great time."

"Thanks," I reply, nodding. "So, is that what you're planning? Cheesy rom-coms in your apartment? Honestly, I'm kind of jealous of that. You know how much I love a rom-com."

"I know," Maggie says. "Actually, I made a few plans with April, and Natalie. Things are rocky right now with her and Will, so we're planning some sort of girl's night. What do you think?"

"I think it's a really good idea," I tell her, enthusiastically. Deep down, I wish that I could also join. "Let me know how it goes. Sounds like you'll have a great time."

Maggie grins, nodding. "That's the plan," she says. "Hey, maybe we'll go back thirty years and start prank calling people again, like we're still teens." She rolls her eyes. "You can probably tell that I'm excited for this."

"I can," I say, nodding. "But it's cool. I'd be excited too, if Connor wasn't taking me out to a romantic dinner." I smile at her, boasting slightly, because everything has been going so well for Connor and I, recently, and I just want to show that off, to everyone who will listen.

"Call me after," Maggie instructs me. "I want to know how it went, and what crazily expensive gift he got you. I'll be dying to find out."

"Will do," I tell her, nodding. Truthfully, I'll probably forget, but I still assure her, anyway.


(seven hours later)

I'm waiting by Connor's car, as he walks up to meet me. "I made it here on time," he says, slightly breathlessly. "Sorry, my research project took a lot longer than expected. Are you ready?"

"Yes, I'm ready," I say, nodding. "I'm really excited for this. We haven't gone out together in a while. This is going to be just what we need, especially after your huge research project. How did that go?"

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