Chapter 70

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author note: happy easter and everything!! hope you all had a great weekend and hope you enjoy this!

hoax- taylor swift


After what seems like the longest amount of time, my shift is finally over, and I can get out of this hospital and finally start to figure things out.

I don't know how to talk to Tessa, or what I would even say to her if I was given the chance. I don't even know if I want to talk to her, although I definitely do want to clear the air.

Everyone advised me to keep my distance, and stay away from her no matter what, but all I want to do is sort out this misunderstanding. I've seen her around the hospital several times during my shift, and although she clearly tried to avert her gaze, it was clear that she wanted to talk to me, too.

Still, I find myself getting my things out of my locker in silence, resisting the temptation to find Tessa, and explain myself. Everyone else was right, I should just wait. Perhaps tomorrow, I'll have more clarity.

I take the last of my things out of my locker, putting my car keys in the pocket of my coat. Just as I'm about to leave, Natalie enters. She looks momentarily surprised to see me looking straight at her.

"Connor," she says, moving past me. "Hey. How are you?" There's an edge to her voice, and I know she's already made an opinion of the whole situation.

"I'm fine," I tell her. "What about you? How are you doing?" I ask, and Natalie turns around to answer me.

"I'm good," she replies, keeping her response short. I wait for her to say something else, but she stays completely silent.

I turn to leave, almost making my way to the door. Just as I am about to push it open, Natalie speaks again.

"You really hurt her this time," she tells me. Once again, I wait for her to continue, but she stays silent.

"I know," I say, closing the door carefully and walking back over to Natalie. "I know that I did. Trust me, I didn't mean to."

"Do you have any idea what that did to her?" Natalie asks me, sighing. "You just broke up with her out of nowhere, for no reason. Do you know what that does to someone?"

"There was a reason," I sigh, although I have a feeling that Natalie won't understand it. "I didn't want to hurt anyone, but that's just how it happened."

"You couldn't have gone about it in a better way?" Natalie asks. She sighs again, as if she has the right to be disappointed at my method of ending a relationship. "She's torn up, because of what you said."

"I had to do it," I explain. "Look, I wasn't planning on breaking anyone's hearts, but that's just how it happened. All I wanted was the best outcome for both of us."

Natalie nods slowly. "And she told me what she overheard you saying to Ava," she says, after several moments of silence. "Is that true? Do you really not care about it? Was she only ever temporary to you?"

"Wow, Tessa really didn't hold back on telling you everything," I say. "It was all a huge misunderstanding, but I can't work it out with her right now, because I'm giving her time and space." I pause, sighing again. "But no. I didn't mean it. I feel terrible about everything."

Natalie's face suddenly softens for a moment. "I'm sorry," she says, surprisingly. I wasn't expecting her to come out with that. "I'm sorry for coming on so strong. It's just that...I care about Tessa, I'm her friend." She gives me a sympathetic smile. "But I'm also your friend, and I'm sorry for throwing accusations at you, like that. That wasn't fair on you."

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