Chapter 46

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foolish one- taylor swift

author note: this chapter takes place over a longer amount of time than usual. it's probably about the span of two days...just to get prepared for the HUGE thing happening next chapter. you won't want to miss the plot twist that's coming just next chapter!

"Did you do something different with your hair?" Connor asks. Our shift starts in about five minutes, and we're both getting ready.

"Yes..." I say, slowly. "Why? What do you think? Be honest." I don't often change up the way that my hair looks, but I had more time in the morning than I usually do, so I decided to do something different.

"I really like it," he says, nodding. "It looks great. You should wear your hair like that more often, it really suits you."

"Do you really think so?" I ask him. I really hope that it doesn't look like I'm blushing in any way. "Thanks. I really wasn't sure what people were going to think about it."

"Well, I really like it," Connor assures me. "And I'm sure everyone else will." He looks up at the time. "Our shift is just about to start. Are you ready?"

"I am," I tell him. "Wait, before our shift starts. I just wanted to thank you for driving me home after the event last night. It was humiliating that I fell asleep in your car...but thank you."

"It's seriously not a problem," Connor says. "And I really don't mind that you fell asleep in my car. It was sort of funny, actually. You were flat out asleep for about fifteen minutes."

I laugh. "Okay, it wasn't that funny," I tell him. "But I just wanted to thank you, especially as I know that it's out of your way. I hope that the drive back to your apartment was okay."

"It was," Connor says. "The roads were clear, so it was fairly quick." He is just about to continue, when Maggie walks over to us.

"I hate to break up whatever this is, but your shift is starting right about now," Maggie says, folding her arms. "No matter how exhausted we might be from last night, we need to be on top of our game today. You know it's the busiest day of the week. Let's go."

"Okay, okay, we're coming," I say, resisting the urge to roll my eyes. "And I'm not exhausted, I'm ready to start my shift."

"Great to hear," Maggie says, nodding, although she still doesn't unfold her arms. "So, let's break this up, and get to work. You both have patients to see."

"Okay, where do I need to be?" Connor asks Maggie, and she instructs him on where to go. Once he has gone to the correct room, Maggie turns on me. "You did something different with your hair," she remarks.

"I did," I tell her, nodding. "I had some time in the morning, so I decided to experiment. Do you like it?"

"I really do," Maggie says, nodding. "But I have to ask...why the sudden change?" She smiles. "It wasn't to get anyone's attention, was it?"

"No," I tell her, firmly. I know exactly what she's getting at here, and while I am secretly relieved that Connor liked my hair, I did it for myself. For my own benefit.

"But he liked it?" Maggie asks. "Clearly he did. I saw the way he was looking at you."

"What, like how a friend looks at another friend?" I say, sarcastically. "How many times do I have to say it?"

"Okay," Maggie says, still grinning. "Okay, I get it. Just friends. I know."

"Exactly I say," although I notice that Maggie is still smiling as I walk away.


several hours later

I am in between patients at the moment, and finally getting a few moments to myself, when Connor approaches me.

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