Chapter 26

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olivia- dasha

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Connor and Kyla. It's the next day after I found out about them, and it turns out that what Will and Natalie said was exactly right. It seems like Kyla really is here every morning.

Natalie comes up behind me. "This is the first time you're seeing them together?" she asks. "I really thought that you knew about it. He really never mentioned it to you?"

"Never," I reply, shaking my head. "But it's fine. I talked to him about it, and it's fine. I mean, really, it is none of my business. He never had to tell me in the first place."

Natalie sighs. "At least you know now," she says, as I catch a glimpse of them kissing from out of the corner of my eye. "Come on." Natalie taps my shoulder. "You can't spend every minute trying to think about this."

"I'm not," I say. Connor has walked away, and is now quickly approaching me. "It's fine." Silently, Connor makes eye contact with me, tilting his head towards the doctor's lounge. I think it's a sign. "Natalie," I say. "I think he wants to talk to me."

"Okay," she says, as I start to walk off in the direction of the doctor's lounge. "But Tessa?" I look back at Natalie, as she speaks. "Maybe this is for the best?"

"I know," I say, nodding. "I'm not trying to mess anything up. I'm happy for them." I turn away, walking towards the doctor's lounge, where Connor is probably waiting to talk to me. I push open the door, slowly. 

"Tessa," he says, as I enter. "I figured that you probably had a few more things to ask me, or say to me, after everything yesterday?" Connor asks. "Our conversations got cut short, but I don't just seemed like you had more to say?"

"I don't know..." I say, unsure of what to bring up. I don't exactly have any specific questions, as it really isn't anything to do with me. This whole situation really is none of my business. "I long? How long have you been together? Will said it was about a month."

Connor nods. "Will's right," he says. "We've been together for about a month, but we did have a casual thing going on before that. She was a friend of a friend, and we just got talking."

A month, and longer is a long time for me to not have any idea about Kyla. I can't believe that I didn't know. "So, when you went to your father's charity event...with me?" I ask, not sure of why I'm bringing that up.

"I wasn't dating her yet," he confirms. "But we did have something going on." Connor sighs. "And when I spent the night with Ava, we were casual. It was just after that when I knew that I wanted to commit to Kyla." He quickly stops himself. "You probably don't want to hear about any of this."

"It's okay," I say, smiling. "It's sweet, the way you talk about her. She seems nice, from what you and Will have said." I realise now that I will probably never get the chance to formulate my own opinion of her. Knowing Connor, he probably won't be too keen on me meeting her.

"I'm sorry for not telling you," Connor sighs. "That was wrong of me. I should have at least said something. I'm glad that you're so okay with this."

"Of course," I say, nodding, because what else am I going to say? I was always going to be okay with it, because what else could I do, how else could I feel. It had to be okay

"And I want you to know that you don't have to avoid her," Connor suddenly says. "Kyla's very outgoing. She talks to everyone here, including Natalie, Will, everyone. You don't have to avoid her. You can talk to her."

I nod, smiling. If Kyla decided to talk to me, I would be open to that. She genuinely seems nice. "Okay," I respond. "Thank you." If Kyla does know who I am, I doubt that she would want to talk to me anyway. "Does Kyla...know?"

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