Chapter 1

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2 weeks before...

"This is going to be great," I thought to myself as I handed my credit card to the cashier. Today was the day where my boyfriend and I met, 2 years ago. So I was going to surprise him with dinner.

I put the groceries in the trunk of my old, beat up Corolla and hopped in the front. His apartment was only 10 minutes away from the store so I turned up the radio to my favorite station and let the music take over.

I arrived at Brad's apartment and got the food and balloons out. I had made his favorite dinner, meatloaf, green beans and mashed potatoes with garlic bread. Even though it had taken all day to make it just right, I knew it would be worth it.

I ran up the 1st floor stairs and opened the door with my spare key that he had given me. " Whatever is mine is also yours baby", he had said. I smiled as the memory floated back.

I looked around and nobody was home, but there where strange noises coming from the bedroom, probably just our golden retriever puppy, Buddy, exited to see me home.

As I walked to the main bedroom, the noises got louder. I frowned at the thought of Buddy being restless. Buddy was always such a sweet puppy and never made any noise and was perfectly house trained.

"Buddy, what are you-", I started but stopped when I saw the scene in front of me. In bed was one of my best friends, Kayla and Brad, passionately making out.

I let out a loud sob, which made both of them freeze. Color drained from Brad's face and Kayla looked like she had seen a ghost. I looked at Kayla." I thought you where my friend" I screamed at her. "And you... ", I looked at Brad. " I trusted you, Hell, I loved you, you idiot!!", I screamed. Than I reached for whatever was near me - which happened to be the anniversary cake and threw it at Brad's face.

"Wait" he said, as he scrambled out of bed. I grabbed my keys not wanting to here what he had to say. He had gotten out of bed and was wearing his expensive pajama shirt, which he had saved up money for months to buy. I almost felt sorry for ruining it - key word almost.

I ran out of the apartment, crying, I got into my car, barely able to see with my eyes filling with unused tears. Speeding away I could see Brad in the rear view mirror, cake covering him from head to toe. He looked guilty, which made me feel bad. " Stupid, Stupid, Stupid", I chanted to myself. Whenever I brought Brad around, Kayla was always extra nice and chatty to me. I thought it was nothing, but it turned out I was wrong.

In the car, I called a couple of my closest friends, so that they could bring ice cream and we would watch sappy Netflix movies while crying our eyes out.

I just needed to mend my broken heart.


Hello everybody,

This was my very first chapter of "Our Beautiful Mistake"... I truly hoped you enjoyed it. Comment and vote if you like it . Stay tuned for more of what happens to Ari!! Her world is about to get a whole lot more interesting!!

Love you all and Stay Beautiful,


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