Chapter 10

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Daily updates will be in effect for the next three weeks! Just wanted to give you a heads up. I am tracked out, which if you live in the U.S. you probably know what I mean. Basically I have school for 9 weeks, and a break for three. No summer. At all. Its called year round school, but this is my last year, so yeah. Warning, it gets hot and steamy in the first part of the chapter, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!  Enjoy! ^.^


Grant's P.O.V (surprised?)

Her soft, plump lips pressed against mine.

She tasted sweet, like cherries and I hungrily responded to her kiss.

Biting her lip, I asked for entrance, but her lips stayed closed, denying me.

Anger flooded through my body, and I climbed up over her, our lips still joined. 

 I grabbed her ass, and placed her legs around my waist.

She pulled away first, with frazzled looking hair, and a slight blush upon her cheeks.

I grinned at her," I knew you couldn't resist me for long."

She rolled her eyes and blushed a deeper shade of crimson.

Ari's P.O.V

He grinned at me," I knew you couldn't resist me for long." he said in a cocky tone.

I rolled my eyes and blushed deeply.

"Go back to your girlfriend, " I muttered.

He looked at me with guilt in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that."

I whipped my head in his direction, " Why are you apologizing, I am the one who kissed you."

"I know, but I responded and I have a girl-"

"I know you have a girlfriend." I spoke coldly. "Just don't do that again."

He hesitantly got up, and walked out of the room.

I wiped my lips with the back of my hand, guilt flooding me.

He had someone in to love and care for, who would be at his side forever.

While I was here, alone, with no one to wrap there arms around me.

 Boy, did he know how to kiss. I just couldn't wrap my head around his soft and inviting lips.

Which were probably on another's right now.

I signed and sunk into the bed.

I couldn't wait to get out of this damn hospital.

I touched my lips for the last time, and closed my eyes, my mind still on Grant.

With my arm around my baby, growing inside me I fell in a hole filled with darkness and endless dreams.



Who liked the hot and steamy scenes?? Lol

I'm sorry for this chapter, I was being rushed. But it will get way better. I promise.

Next week, I will be traveling to Florida . Anyone live there?

I am having a mental debate for the cover, so look out and don't freak when I change it.


Have an amazing day/night!!!

- Sarah ( A.K.A Midnight_Haven)

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