Chapter 22

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Okay so I finally have Wifi, like thank you lord, I need wifi like ya'll need oxygen. Anywho Enjoy!!


We were back home and everything was quiet.

I didn't know myself anymore.

If I contacted my "wolf", and she got mad enough, it would kill the baby, which in turn would kill me.

I took im deep breath's calming myself down.

Aiden hadn't taken the news too well, what person would?

I felt like I was slowly dieing inside, the baby was, but it was a part of me.

In no way could I contact a non-existent wolf.

I'm right here.

The warm mug of coffee that was in my hand fell at my feet and shards of glass went flying everywhere.

The warm liquid soaked into my fuzzy pink socks, turning them a brown, murky color.

Aiden came flying in, bags under his eyes, and his hair ruffled.

He looked awful, the stress with the baby was too much.

"What happened?" he rushed out.

He eyed me up and down, making sure that I was okay.

"Th-There is a voice inside my head."

His eyes popped open, and his mouth was left gaping like a fish.

"Contact her, say something." he told me.

"Is this my wolf?" I asked in my head.

A low chuckle was heard.

"Yes I am, my name is Serina, and you must be Ariana."she spoke introducing herself.

"I am."

"What is she saying?" Aiden questioned, impatiently.

I held up a finger, silencing him.

I hesitated before speaking.


She sighed, knowing exactly what I'm talking about.

"I-I thought it was another man' s, not our mates, and I couldn't have a pup like that." she said, sorrow filling her voice.

"So you thought you could just kill my baby?" I spoke anger lacing my voice.

"I know I wasn't thinking, I am truly sorry."

I could tell that she felt guilty so I forgave her, and we did become fast friends, with her personality, who couldn't?

I had a new best friend, who would be in my thoughts forever, litterly.

But one question remained in my mind.

"Serina, can I ask you something?"

"You just did!"she spoke jokingly."But go ahead."

"Will the baby be okay?" I asked the million dollar question.

"Yes, it will." she reassured me.

Later that night, I told Aiden the good news.

He was beyond exited about the news, the baby was going to be okay.

Something had flashed across his eyes when I told him about Serina.

It was his wolf, which I learned his name was Dominic.

I got under the covers, Aiden right behind me.

We slept in peace, knowing that our baby was safe and sound.

Not knowing what dangers where watching our every move.


Okay so the baby is safe, you really thought I would kill it off?!

The comments where amazing, probably because of the suspense, I should do that more often *evil laugh*

We got over 1k votes!! Ahhhh!!
I know it might not seem like much, but it is to me, Thank you so much!!



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