Chapter 30 (Part 1)

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Second update today, I am on a roll! School starts tommorow and I will be really busy so we will go back to weekend updates, sorry about that :-(

I woke to the smell of bacon, eggs and french toast.

My stomach rumbles lowly, hinting we should go eat.

Aiden chuckled and placed a tray of food in front of food.

"Good morning sweetheart."

"Morning." I replied, with a smile.

"What's the plan for today?" I asked.

"Nice try, it's a suprise, and you know that." he retorted.

I smiled sheepishly, shoveling a forkful of eggs in my mouth.

I finished my breakfast, and we got dressed, separately of course.

We walked out of the hotel, and in to another limo, where Aiden and I actually talked.

The fact that this date was going to be a suprise, I just couldn't wait.

Of course, curiosity was blooming inside of me like flowers at spring time, but I was still ecstatic.

To think that I was having a date, a freaking date at the Bahamas.

Not a vacation, a date.

Not all of us are born filthy rich you know.

Serina had told me how to block Aiden out of my mind, to avoid embarassing moments, to which I was greatful.

The limo came to a sudden halt, and we were escorted out.

Aiden had wrapped a scarf around my eyes so that he could reveal where we were without ruining the suprise.

I could tell that we had drawn some attention because there where whispere's surrounding us.

I mean, we showed up, probably at a plublic place in a limo, which doesn't happen often.

Aiden untied the scarf, carefully so he wouldn't pull my hair.

It took a second for my eyes to adjust to the bright sunlight, but when they did, I relised where we were.

As the big, bold letters said on the entrance we where at the zoo.

I laughed and hugged Aiden tightly, I hadn't been to the zoo in ages.

Before Aiden could move his mouth to form words, I had already yanked him forward to the gates, where he paid for the tickets.

I rushed inside, to see the many exhibits.

My favirote was probably the White Lion from India, not only because it was rare, but also because of it's gorgeous fur.

The next exhibit was the chimps.

They had adorable little babies, but one of them stood out to me.

He was small, but had huge innocent eyes.

We had gotten a chance to play with the animals, and I held him, feeding him his milk formula, because his mother had died in the wild, when there home had been cut down.

I glanced at Aiden, who was busy cooing at another chimp, who to my humor, licked Aidens lips.

I laughed at Aiden's shocked face, and he looked up at me smirking.

I pouted, "Hey, that's my job!" I whined out.

"Hmm, I'm not sure about that, this little fella is a great kisser!" he teased.

"Sure." I muttered.

We had gone through all the exhibit's and my ankles where aching from all the weight they had been carrying.

I sat down on a bench, resting my feet, and Aiden came over, two ice cream cones in his hand.

He handed one to me, and I licked it, moaning at the tase of fudge ice cream.

We finished our ice cream, and threw our trash away, heading towards the exit.

But that's when I noticed a small girl,probably around the age of five, who was running around, fat tears streaming down her face.

The moment I saw her, I knew she was lost, so I walked up to her.

"Hi, what's your name?" I asked, crouching down to her level.

"S-Sydney." she said, sobs racking her small body.

"Well Sydney, your a very beautiful girl."

She giggled at my comment, her eyes sparkling.

"Where is your mommy?" I asked.

Her eyes welled up with tears again, and I took that as she didn't know.

I took her hand in mine, hugging her to my chest, whispering soothing words.

When she stopped crying, I led her to where Aiden was.

"Aiden, this is Sydney, and her mommy is playing hide-and-go-seek with her, but she is really good, so we need to help her."

Aiden glanced at Sydney, before taking her in his arms, and playing along with the game.

Lets head to the front office. I mindlinked Aiden.

He nodded, and we walked to the office.

I knocked on a wooden door, with the words "Management" in bold letters stamped on.

An officer opened the door, and led us inside.

When greetings where established, I explained the situation to the officer.

He nodded, and made an announcement over the speakers about Sydney, who at the moment, curled up in Aiden's lap, sleeping.

I smiled at the exaushted child.

About five minutes later, a frazzled looking couple ran in to the room, worry on there faces.

They immediatly relaxed at the sight of Sydney, unharmed.

The couple introduced themselves as Hope and Leo.

They thanked us severly, before taking Sydney's sleeping state from Aiden.

I exchaged numbers with Hope, and we promised to hang out soon.

With that, us couples departed.

When we were alone, Aiden hugged me tightly.

"You will be a great Luna." he whispered.


Sorry for this chapter, its only part one, the next one will be soon!

In the last chapter some of you all said that my book was your fave.



Anyway im really tired, Im gonna go pass out now byeeee



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