Chapter 5

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         As promised, here is Chapter 5!!!! It will be longer than the last chapter!!! Enough with me blabbering, on to the story!!!

Last Chapter Flashback....

 I bolted out of my seat, with a hopeful look on my face. 

The look on the mans face held grief, sorrow, and pity. "I am sorry miss." he said looking down at his shoes.

 He opened his mouth to continue on, but my head spun in circles, and my ears blocked out whatever he was about to say. My friends, my best friends... They where gone, I would never see them again. 

"Miss!!!" the man shouted. "What??" I yelled back. "As I was saying, we did all we could, but they both had to many injuries to the heart and Ms. Paige Johnson's lung was pierced from some shards of glass of the broken windshield, and Ms. Sarah Johnson's right lung was totally collapsed.

 We think that they where dead at the scene. Again miss, we did all that we could."

I laughed bitterly." Well maybe you should have tried harder."

 Suddenly the doors burst open, and Mr. and Mrs. Johnson scanned the room. When there eyes found mine, I ran to Mrs. Johnson and hugged the life out of her.

 We held each other and cried our hearts out. I pulled away and sniffled, a sudden wave of dizziness hit me, and the floor rushed up to meet me.

Few hours before...

 "Like a small boat

On the ocean
Sending big waves
Into motion
Like how a single word
Can make a heart open
I might only have one match
But I can make an explosion

And all those things I didn't say
Wrecking balls inside my brain
I will scream them loud tonight
Can you hear my voice this time?

This is my fight song
Take back my life song
Prove I'm alright song
My power's turned on
Starting right now I'll be strong
I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care if nobody else believes"

"'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me." we finished together. Sarah giggled at our perfect harmony.

 "Wow", I breathed,"That was amazing!",Paige said.

"Yeah, it was", I agreed.

 We where heading back home, from the spa, after our food fight. Trust me, cupcake batter is not good for your skin!

I loved the way that our voices came together as one.

"We should try out for American Idol or something", said Sarah

I rolled my eyes" I doubt  that we will be good enough"

Sarah pouted, "You never know."

We settled into a comfortable silence, each of us humming to ourselves. 

Out of no where, I felt as if I was spinning. Paige, who was driving screamed. 

Her scream was muted when we hit an object. Hard

After that, everything was moving as if we where trapped in some type of slow motion movies.

My vision was hazy, and my ears where ringing.

I moved my head to one side, and felt a sharp pain on the side of my neck.  I stayed still, and opened my mouth, but no words formed. My throat was dry as sand paper.

I had taken first aid training so I knew that I shouldn't move around and try to keep my eyes open.

Silent tears rolled down my cheeks, as I thought about my friends, laying right beside me. How I would miss Brad, even thought the horrible things he had done to me. 

How I would miss Mr. Greek God, and yet even thought I didn't know his name, I loved him.

My eyelids felt heavy, as I tried to fight off the urge to close them.

"This is it." I thought to myself. My eyes slid shut to the faint sound of an ambulance siren.



Thank you so much for 300+ reads!!! I hope you liked this chapter, and I hope you noticed the new cover made by the amazing and talented AndreaDarna. She is amazing!!! Also shout out to chick-101 for helping me with this book, she is amazing as well!!! I had so much fun with this chapter, and I hope you enjoy it as well!!! I updated a little bit early, but you all deserve it!!! Thank You for the continued support!!! Don't be shy to point out my mistakes, we are all human so we all make them... unless your a unicorn, that's a whole different story!!




Thank You!!


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