Chapter 33

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Hello!! How is everyone? Just wanted to say thank you all so much for your support and comments that make my day. It helps so much with my hectic life.. so a big thank you to all of you for that.

Also another banner made by swimchickforever101, its amazing so thank you for that!! ^

Happy reading!!


I was shaking.

And couldn't stop.

My body wasn't responding.

I groaned and opened my eyes from my peaceful slumber at the intruder of my dreams.

She was a tall woman, around my age with blonde, almost white hair and stunning green eyes.

She looked friendly enough, and her eyes held happiness.

She smiled down at me, speaking in a low voice.

"Ma'am, could you please buckle up, where landing in about fifteen minutes, and I need you to follow the rules." She said, pointing to the sign above, which was red.

I nodded and gave her an apologizing look.

It had totally slipped my mind that I had unbuckled, the itchy yet tight strap was not comfortable at all.

Looking around, I figured out why she was speaking in a low voice.

Almost everyone was asleep, being early morning and all.

I was almost home.

Aiden and I would be back together again, if I didn't kill him and bury him 6 feet under already.

The plane landed in no time at all, and I walked to the baggage claim to get my suitcase.

It was crowded and I barely squeezed through two people, one of them shooting me a glare which I ignored.

The conveyor belt had always made me dizzy, even as a little kid, so it was no suprise that it still did.

I needed to sit down before I collapsed, but didn't want to lose my bags so I ignored it.

If you have ever lost your bags at the airport you know how hectic and tiring it is and I couldn't go through that alone.

I guess someone had noticed my discomfort, and am aging man came up to me with a friendly smile splayed on his lips.

I instantly smiled back as he approached me.

He looked like he was in his early thirties, but the graying hair on the side of his head gave the way that he was much older.

Once he had stopped in front of me, he held out his hand for me to shake which I gladly took.

"My name is Mark, what's yours sweetheart?" He asked softly, shaking my hand as if I was made out of glass.

"Ari." I said.

"Nice to meet you Ari."

"Like wise."

Mark offered to help me with my bags and escort me to the cab.

I thankfully agreed, and pointed to my bag when it came around to our side where we were standing.

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