Chapter 35

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I just relized how close we are to the end of this book and it makes me really sad to think that my first book is almost over but hey that's why you write new ones, right? Right!

So yes there will be another book after this, I have decided to make it a series... and an idea for the title is "Not My Mistake"..... How do you like it? Comment what you think please!!!!

Anyway now on with the chapter.....


Aiden's P.O.V.

Papers upon papers where stacked up on my work desk, scattered in every which way, but it didn't look too bad compared to me.

My hair was severely disheveled because of the numerous times I had raked my hand through it in frustration, the top of my work shirt undone, coffee stains on my pants, and the smell of fast food grease lingered in the air.

I was a mess, and no argument would convince anyone otherwise.

Ari had fallen in to a coma, and the doctors told me there where no signs of her waking up anytime soon.

For weeks on end, I had stayed by her side, not leaving to eat nor shower, hoping, just hoping for a slight twitch of her hand, or any sign that she was still there.

But yet there was nothing.

A month went by, and finally, mom decided it was enough.

I was a mess, and had weakened the pack severely, they needed there Luna, and right now they had no one to turn to.

Not even me.

Mom had pushed me out of the hospital, while threatening me the whole time to take a shower because I was stinking up the whole hospital.

I hadn't even cracked a smile at her comment, and wound up back at the mansion, where I hid away in my office, burying myself in work to take my mind off of some things... Well not some things, someone.

The rouge who had attacked my mate had vanished without a trace, and the most frustrating part was that border patrol hadn't even caught a whiff of there scent, which didn't leave many options.

Either we where dealing with vampires, or a highly trained elder.

But who would want to hurt my mate? No one knew the answer to this, and it hurt, being helpless... not knowing what to do to help your mate.

On a positive note, the pups where fine, they had experienced fatal blood loss, but Ari's wolf had healed them quickly, our pups being her first priority, which came to me as much of a relief.

We would be holding our pups in no time at all, if she woke up, which she would, she had to.

Seconds turned in to minutes, minutes in to hours, hours in to days, days in to weeks, and weeks in to months.

Time ticked away, and everyone started losing hope, everyone except me, I would never lose hope.

The machines that kept her alive, couldn't do there job much longer, and it crushed me to think that she was in pain, pain that I caused.

It was my fault, all my god dammed fault... if I had just told her the truth, she would be by my side, kissing me, hugging me, cherishing me in every way possible, and I would return it.

I was back at the hospital, anxiously watching her beautiful face for a sign.

I took her hand in mine, lightly stroking it with the pad of my thumb, sparks igniting like they usually do.

It never got old, her soft touch, her stunning personality and the way she lit up any room she walked in to.

I missed her laugh and her smile, the small yet prominent dimples on the side of her cheeks and her bright blue eyes that made my day, every damn day.

Yes, I was head over heels in love with Ari, and it felt damn good to admit it to myself.

Yeah I told it to her before, but I didn't actually mean it, we'll I did but I didn't feel it as deep as it was now.

Hours passed, and it was time for me to go back home, like every day I visited her, I had to say goodbye.

I lightly kissed her soft lips, and walked out the door, bidding farewell to the janitor I had spent hours talking to while at the hospital.

Sean was a retired Marine and had three kids, who where all grown and happily married, his ninth grandchild was on the way.

He was goals, as Adams lady friend always said.

Back at the mansion, I quickly did my nightly routine and jumped in to my very comfortable bed.

My eyes were wide open, but they slowly slid closed.


A loud ring woke me from my peaceful slumber.

My arm reached out to silence my damn phone, and I threw it against the wall shattering it to pieces.

I had plenty of other ones anyway.

I was on the brink of sleep when another shrill sound made me groan.

Throwing my hands up in the air with exasperation, I gave up on having a good night's sleep and finally answered.

"What the fuck do you want?"


I swore under my breath, my mom had an attitude.

"Sorry ma'am." I muttered.

"That's better, now guess what?"

"What?" I asked wearily.

"Honey, Ari woke up!"


Ughh I'm so sick I can't even breathe

It sucks

Anyway not my best chapter but I'm trying guys

Oh and OBM is ending :-(

But there will be a sequel!! I just need a title so please please go read the message I posted a couple days ago, I need yall!!!

Comment!! I need to know what yall are thinking, some of yall think I can read minds... I wish

So please comment!!!

Question of the day (about the book): Who do you want to see the sequel on, Adam or one of the twins... and yes I have decided the names already!!

Question of the day (about you): What is your favorite song?



Byee yall ♡♡♡♡

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