Chapter 4

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             Omg guys!!! Thanks for 100+ reads!!! It means so much to me!!! *wipes a tear*, Keep doing what you guys are doing, Vote, Comment, Share!!! Also I just wanted to add that I made a new cover for this book, tell me what you think!!! Also I dedicated this chapter to MysticDEWwolfe because she is plain awesome and amazing and incredible. She supports me 100% and I am running out of words to describe her. Check her out!!! Now on to the story!!!

 I bolted out of my seat, with a hopeful look on my face. The look on the mans face held grief, sorrow, and pity. "I am sorry miss." he said looking down at his shoes. He opened his mouth to continue on, but my head spun in circles, and my ears blocked out whatever he was about to say. My friends, my best friends... They where gone, I would never see them again. "Miss!!!" the man shouted. "What??" I yelled back. "As I was saying, we did all we could, but they both had to many injuries to the heart and Ms. Paige Johnson's lung was pierced from some shards of glass of the broken windshield, and Ms. Sarah Johnson's right lung was totally collapsed. We think that they where dead at the scene. Again miss, we did all that we could."

I laughed bitterly." Well maybe you should have tried harder." Suddenly the doors burst open, and Mr. and Mrs. Johnson scanned the room. When there eyes found mine, I ran to Mrs. Johnson and hugged the life out of her. We held each other and cried our hearts out. I pulled away and sniffled, a sudden wave of dizziness hit me, and the floor rushed up to meet me.

Okay, so please don't hate me for this small chapter, it was just a filler chapter and I had this planned for a long time that it was going to be short. I am so sorry I haven't updated in a long time, but it will get better, I promise!!! Plus don't you just love cliffhangers?!! Everything will clear up soon!!




Love You All!!!


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