Chapter 12

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How is everyone doing?! Here is another chapter for my lovlies, Enjoy!!!

I sighed as I opened the door ro my now empty apartment room.

It was quiet, to quiet.

With out my best friends, life was dreary, and to be honest boring.

After moping around for a number of day's, I decided I had to get a job to properly take care of my baby.

Too bad the father isn't here to help, I thought to myself.

I was fresh out of college, and my major was Pediatrics, so yes, to put it bluntly, I was smart.

Really smart.

I submitted my resume, to many Pediatric offices in my area.

A few day's later...


Damn you, damn telephone, ringing at seven in the damn morning, I cursed at the evil telephone.

"Hello?" I spoke in to the phone, groggily.

"Hi!", a chirpy voice greeted me back.

Well someone had to much coffee to drink this morning, I thought to myself.

"Is this Ms. Ariana Reece?"

"Yes, how may I help you?" I said, now fully awake.

"Hi, my name is Hannah, and I am calling about the resume you sent us a couple day's ago."

"Yes." I spoke lowly.

"Well, I am pleased to tell you that our lead doctor was very immpressed with your backround, and she wanted to meet you in person, at the office, what time will be suitable for you?"

"U-Umm, h-how about around 9 a.m. ?" I stuttered.

I heard pages being flipped and the a click.

"That would be fine." Hannah spoke into the phone.

She then gave me the address to the building and her contact information.

We said our goodbyes and I locked my iPhone.

Taking my pillow, I placed it over my face, and happily squealed.

I ran out of my room and into the bathroom to wash up.

I came back out of the bathroom, and opened my closet to find something wear.

I stripped out of my pajama's and layed out the clothes in front of me.

My outfit was simple, a white button-up blouse, and a navy blue skirt.

I put my hair up, in a bun, and curled the loose end's.

With a smidge of foundation, a swipe of mascara, my minimal makeup was complete.

Checking myself out in the full body mirror, I noticed something different.

I gasped as I relised what it was.

I was showing.

It was only a tiny bump, but it was there.

Tears formed in my eyes, as I whispered sweet nothings to my baby.

I smiled and my gaze wandered to my bedroom wall where a clock was hung.

Shit! It was 8:45 a.m. already.

In a haste, I grabbed my nude pumps, wallet, key's and my phone and I was out the door to embrace the world again.
I am on a roll today, not really, Lol!

I made this chapter longer than the others, hope you enjoyed it!

I was so happy, she is showing her baby bump!!

I attached the outfit!

I know most of my readers are teenagers, but who has had a kid? Anyone you know?

How many siblings do you have? Just curious!

Comment! Everyone's comments mean the world to me!

While your at it, hit that vote button and don't be afraid to share this story!!


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