Chapter 32

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Yayy Another chapter!! Who is enjoying the book so far? I hope ^.^ Anyway, I just wanted to remind you of the language that happens in this book, and the many dirty things... you have been warned, it isn't bad though.... Get some tissues, I was crying while I wrote this... Lots of love for the pain that Ari is going through ♡♡♡

Oh and a cover is above, who likes it?

Music: E.T. by Katy Perry, its old, but really really good, and at school I have to dance to it and it's awesome!! Halloween themed ♡♡

To say I was pissed was an understatement.

I was beyond pissed.

I was so pissed that there was a high chance of steam coming out of my ears.

Hell, the world could be ending, and I would be too pissed to notice.

Since Aiden took the private jet, I had to book my own trip back to New York, which was hell on its own.

Never anger a pregnant lady unless you have a death wish.

It seemed like this person was just begging for it.

"For the last time, I'm sorry ma'am, all our flights are booked for the next week."


The flight personell cowered away in fear, shrinking back at my outburst.

I sighed, knowing this wasn't going anywhere any time soon.

"Just please try something." I asked hopelessly, shrugging my shoulders, giving up on the infuriating subject.

The man quickly nodded and went back to his computer, typing away.

I walked back to my seat, my shoulders sunk in defeat.

It had now been a week since our so called fight, and it got harder everyday without him.

So yes, I was impatient.

Impatient to get back the only man I love, the only one that sends sparks shooting through my body, the one who gave me two miracles that I am proud to call my children.

He gave me that, and I couldn't even be a decent mate.

A couple hours went by with no word from the flight assistant, and my stomach grumbled with hunger.

I completely ignored it, or tried to, but the babies wanted food, so I walked to the nearest fast food place.

I was craving fish at the moment, which I always had hated as a kid.

Lucky enough, I found myself at a Subway, and ordered my sandwich before sitting down and enjoying the fresh flavors exploding on my tounge.

It was better then five star cuisine, way better.

I sipped my drink, and finished the foot long which I managed to finish on my own, don't judge, I was eating for three here.

I threw my trash away at the trash can, and walked back towards the help desk seating area.

Minutes passed and still nothing happened, but by the time the last flight of the day had been called, the man walked up to me with a timid smile, which I took as good sign.

"Miss, I found a first class ticket cancelation, from here to New York, would you be interested in it?"

Jumping out of my seat, I gave him a huge hug.

When I had let go, there was a faint blush on his cheeks, and I repeated my thanks once more before taking the ticket and heading towards the boarding area.

I checked my bags in before glancing at my watch, which read 3:30 in the morning.

I was exhausted.

With barely any strength left, I trudged my way up the planee, only my purse in hand.

The captain and another air hostess checked my passport and my ticket before welcoming me on board and leading me to first class.

They where nice enough, especially when they found out that I was pregnant with twins, gave me a special treatment which I greatly appreciated.

I had gone through each and every corner of hell and traveled all the way back on my own with my two little miracles that made it worth while, I had to admit.

I sighed blissfully snuggling into the heated seats of first class, it wasn't Aiden, but it had to do for the time being.

Serina had been unusually quiet and not her normal quirky self, which was expected.

I guess Damon wasn't mad at Serina because I would hear faint conversations between them.

That was the only communication I had with Aiden, or part of him anyways.

The flight paused at the runway, the moment before taking off, and my heart jumped in my chest like it always did at this moment.

We gained speed, and took off, flying into the night sky.

With Aiden on my mind once again, I drifted off to endless sleep.



I'm sorry it was a short chapter, not much action in this chapter, but the next few will be much much much much much better.

I promise. ^.^

School is killing me ahhh

I can't do all this homework, but I had five minutes until curfew so I updated.

Anyway how is everyone doing?!!

How is school and work and life?

How are the kids? And the husband/boyfriend?

You know how I got the name Aiden? Guess, just guess...

Question of the day (about you) : What country do you live in?

I am not a stalker just want to know..

Question of the day (about book) : What do you want the updating schedule to be? Any ideas I can take in to consideration?






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