Chapter 29

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Hi!! 54 days in, 19k+ reads, and amazing fans. That is what Wattpad has been for me. But keep voting, sharing, commenting and reading!!

"The Bahama's?" I squealed out, trying hard not to pass out.

"Let me get this straight, you brought me, to the Bahama's for a date, a freaking date?"

Aiden nodded.

I jumped in his arms, hugging him.

"I love you, I love you, I love you!" I repeated, peppering kisses around his face.

When I was little, I always wanted to travel around the world, tasting different foods, and meeting new people.

It amazed me how different people where around the world.

Aiden laughed loudly, kissing me back, with a smile laced on his lips.

A limo awaited our arrival, and the chauffeur opened the door for us.

I slid in to the back seat, Aiden right behind me, guiding me in.

I smiled outside the window, as trees and cars whizzed passed us on the freeway.

I wondered about what genders the babies, or pups as Serina called them.

I turned my gaze over to where Aiden was seated, who was staring right back at me with a penetrating stare.

"Two girls."

My mouth fell open in shock.

Did I say that out loud?

"No, I can read your thoughts and feel your emotions."

Another perk of being a werewolf.

"Yup." he agreed.

"You really want it to be two girls?" I asked eyebrows raised.

He nodded his head.

"I want our children to look like there beautiful, talented, smart mother." he boasted, pride laced in his voice.

"Stop!" I said, covering my face with my hands, so he couldn't see my face turn red.

He pulled my hands away, taking them in his.

"I love it when you blush, don't hide it from me." he said.

I blushed even harder than before.

He laughed at the crimson color of my cheeks.

"I want it to be two boys." I said, changing the subject.

He smirked before saying.

"We'll see."

We arrived at a prestigius hotel, which seemd to reach the heavens above.

Aiden placed his hand on the small of my back, before leading us through the spinning doors.

We checked in to the master suite, which was highly unnecessary, but knowing Aiden, expected.

The elevator dinged open, and we rode it to the 50th floor, before heading to our room.

I shrugged out of my coat, putting my things down before scanning my surroundings.

The room was breathtaking, to put it lightly.

It held a California King bed, which was decorated with rose petals.

The lighting was dim, only lit by lavender scentes candles, but enough for me to see what lay in the corner.

A hot tub, filled with water, and jets that made it bubble up.

"So, what fo you think?" Aiden asked, making me jump from the sound of his voice.

"I love it!" I whispered in his ear, sending shivers down his spine, which I smiled at.

"Tease." he growled out.

"Only for you." I teased, nipping at the skin of his ear.

"If you don't stop, I will take you on the floor." he said, lust laced in his voice.

"What if I want you to?" I spoke in my seductive tone, hoping I didn't sound like a constipated cow.

His eyes darkened, and I walked away, to the bed.

Aiden climbed in after me.

I yawned stretching my arms out.

"I'm tired." I spoke out, curling up against the fluffy pillow.

Aiden sighed in disbelief.

"Really?" he said.

"What?" I said, trying to sound innocent.

He shook his head, and curled up next to me, putting an arm around me pulling me to his chest.

"Tease." he whispered in my ear.

"Your tease." I whispered back.

His light chuckle was all I heard before I fell asleep, the scent of roses filling my nose.

Hi!! I have been in a car for about 14 hours so I'm writing a lot. I will publish them when I get home.

Question of the day (about you): What would you do with a million dollars?

Another Question: What is your favirote book on Wattpad? If even one of yall say its mine, I will start crying, I swear. But its probably not, there are wayyyyyyy better books then mine.




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