Chapter 28

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Hello!! I'm already on Chapter 28 of this book, and I posted the Prolouge of the book about 50 days ago... Time flies when your having fun ;-) Enjoy!

When I woke, Aiden was no where to be seen.

Wrapping a blanket around my shivering state, I walked out of the room.

Aiden sat on one of the seats, typing away at his laptop, while talking in to his phone.

Frown lines and stress marks were etched on his face.

He had been working too hard lately, I worried how the twins would effect him.

He looked up from the laptop, and smiled when I walked towards him.

His eyes held stress, yet he tried to seem happy.

I dropped the blanket and sat on his lap, facing him, my legs at his side.

Cupping his face I looked deep in his eyes.

"Baby, you look so tired, come back to bed."

He sighed and rubbed his chin, "I'm almost done, just let me-"

I shut his laptop down, and ended the call on his phone.

He glared at me as I pulled him towards the bedroom, him complaining the whole time.

I kissed him, shutting him up, and we layed in bed together.

As soon as his head hit the pillow he was out cold.

Smiling inwardly, I brushed a stray curl from his forhead.

An hour later, the pilot had announced that we would be arriving shortly.

I hesitantly shook Aiden away.

He groaned and switched sides, facing away from me.

I climbed up on top of him, turning him so he was laying on his back.

I kissed his mark, sparks igniting like wildfires in a Californian forest.

He stirred lightly in his sleep.

I took his hand, and placed it on my belly, where immediatly the babies kicked.

In even that simple manner, he awoke from his dreams, greeting me with a lazy smile.

"I could get used to this veiw." he said, making me blush crimson.

He laughed at my blush, kissing my forhead.

"The pilot said that we will be landing in about an hour, so we have to buckle up."

He nodded, grabbing my waist and kissing me.

The kiss got hot and heavy, and I was panting by the end of it.

I pulled away, resting my forhead on his, breathing heavily from the lack of oxygen.

"We can't." I whispered.

"Yes we can."

"The website said that-"

"I asked the doctor, and she said its fine to."

I grinned.

"Well then, what are we waiting for?" I spoke before joining our lips together.

(If you want to read this part it's going to be in the X-Rated version, so enjoy that my little freaks!!)

I climbed off of Aiden, spent in every which way, sighing in pleasure.

He snuggled me close, carefully avoiding my baby bump, before crushing me to his chest.

He whispered sweet nothings in my ear.

When another announcement came on the speakers, we got dressed and walked out of the bedroom, taking our seats.

In less than 20 minutes, we had landed, and I bounded down the steps of the jet, but not before thanking the pilot and air hostess severly.

We walked hand in hand to the airport, to get our bags.

The man at the desk nicely handed us our bags, before asking us where we were headed to.

I shrugged before answering.

"Ask him." I said, pointing to my mate.

We turned him, looking expectantly for the answer.

"It's a suprise." he growled out, pulling me away.

"That was rude." I said, glaring at my mate.

He grabbed me, pulling me to his chest and inhaling my scent, which calmed him down.

"Baby, tell me what's wrong." I said, putting my hand on his cheek, so he was facing me.

His eyes bored in to mine.

"He was looking at you."

I rolled my eyes.

"Well, duh!"

Aiden's posture stiffened.

"Hey, it's you, it's always been you, and it's going to be you forever." I tried calming him down.

"I love you." I breathed out.

He opened his eyes, and this time they where his stunning green eyes, instead of black.

"I love you to." he said, smiling lightly.

"I know."

"Now tell me where we are!" I demanded.

He took my hand, and led me through glass sliding doors.

Warm air hit me, making me stop in my tracks.

"Welcome to the Bahamas, babygirl."

Soooo the Bahamas o_O

Who guessed it?!!

I still have to write those steamy scenes but I will try, my vacation is almost over and school is starting soon soo... Yea.

I tried to make this chapter longer, and it was, so yay for that!!!

Question of the day (about you): What is your faviorite animal?

Question of the day (about book): What do you want the genders to be of the babies?!



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