Chapter 8

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Yayy!! Next update for my lovely readers, Can you get us to 3k??? Would mean a ton! Enjoy this chapter... (Sorry for the mistakes)


I slowly opened my eyes, and sighed happily as I remembered how close Grant and I had gotten. He was perfect, in every way possible.

I shifted uncomfortably my hospital bed, trying to figure out a way to get comfortable without Grant's arms around me.

The sound of a door opening brought me out of my daze, and Grant walked in.

The whole room felt lighter in his presence.

"Good Morning", I chirped happily.


"Grant, how are you doing today"


"Grant Anderson answer me or god help m-"

"Why didn't you tell me?" he interrupted my rant.

I looked at him confused,"What did I do?"

"You knew, and you didn't tell me." was his only answer.

"I suggest you find a better doctor, preferably a woman."

I frowned at the thought of someone else taking care of me, other than Grant himself.

He then stalked out of the room, leaving me in a room filled with my bewilderment.

Did I do something?

Did he regret last night, even though we didn't do anything?!

Thoughts clouded my mind, as I thought of the possibilities.

With a heavy heart and Grant on my mind, I slipped in and out of consciousness as my mind fought with my body to stay awake.

Exhaustion overfilled my body, as I went limp.



I am so sorry for the shortness of this chapter, I am really busy today, and only had 20 min. to write this. But I will make it to you with a chapter tomorrow hopefully!!!

Anyway, what do you think made Grant so mad?
Why didn't he explain?
Is Grant single?? Or is this a huge misunderstanding??

Hit that Vote button, and don't be afraid to comment to the questions!!


Love you all so much,


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