Chapter 38

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Heyy guys!!! Who here has family over for Thanksgiving? I do and there driving me crazy. Litterly, I take one step out of the room, and I'm bombarded with questions on if I have a boyfriend or not, when I'm getting married and who I texted exactly 3 minutes and 47 seconds ago. Like how do you know that????!!!

What is one thing you hate about family gatherings? I could name more than a few... Anyway Happy late Thanksgiving!!! I hope you don't have 45 people over crowding your house so much that you cant even breathe..

Above are the twins a little bit older, but you get the point.

I also attached Justin Beibers new song "Sorry", its really good!!!

I have started to notice that nobody is commenting anymore.. is something wrong? Is it too predictable, because I can assure you there are many surprises left, one is in this chapter...



Groans of pain rang throughout the room, but ironically, they weren't coming from me.

Aiden's hand was purple and the groans emitted from his mouth where caused by me.

My grip on his hand was probably cutting off circulation, but the pain I was going through was much worse.

Unfortunately for me, I was experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions, which was normal for a werewolf to go in to, right before labor.

The pain was not too bad, my grip on Aiden hard only because I was terrified of the pain of real, actual labor.

As the fifth contraction finally subsided, I was out of breath, and sweating like a pig. Aiden kissed my forehead in encouragement, and even though he was in pain, he didn't show it because he knew I would go through much worse to bring our twins in to the world.

And that's why I loved him.

The hospital had been busy tonight for some reason, there where a lot more patients then usual, which was infuriating because we couldn't get hold of a doctor, but we didn't want just any doctor. We wanted Sam, well Aiden wanted Sam.

We were at a human hospital, which would be best for me because I wasn't a werewolf, just mated to one.

It was a good thing that I had read so many articles and books about birthing and labor, because with Braxton Hicks contractions, I expected much worse, but it didn't hurt too much, it was just my insides preparing to push out two babies, no big deal.

After about an hour more of contractions, my water finally broke. I sighed in relief, but my breaks was short lived when contractions again, this time worse then ever before hit me.

I could see the pain on Aiden's face, because of what I was going through, but we both knew there was nothing we could do about it.

Together, we had made the decision to go completely natural, no epidural or C-section, unless I couldn't bare the pain, which I knew I could.

"You don't have to do this the painful way, you know that, right baby?" Aiden said, grimacing at my groans of pain.

"No!"I said as my teeth gritted together in pain.

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