Chapter 23

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Next chapter for you guys, tommorow there won't be an update, I am going to be stuck in a car for 13 hours and too tired to do anything, sorry :-(

Three hours worth of arguments, a speech on feministic behaviors and a couple smacks later, I was finally allowed to go to work, by my oh so loving mate.

I loved my job, and I loved dealing with kids, which would help in a few months.

I parked my car at the office ground floor, and waited until the elavotor door ringed open.

I punched in my floor number, and relaxed as the elavator music flowed through the speakers.

I walked through the door of the office and greeted my coworkers.

I went through my e-mail, and checked for the results.

The lab results where in, Adriana was pregnant.

I squealed in happines, she was going to be a mom, Grant was going to be so happy.

My patients included triplets, all with a nasty cough, and a mother near to tears.

I prescribed them the medication, and reassured the poor mom, who was around my age.

My next paitent was a 14 year old boy, who was here to have his yearly physical.

Two words. Very. Awkward.

I thanked my lucky stars that it was over quickly.

With a lunch break, and a few more paitents, my day was complete.

I drove home as quick as I could, obeying the speed limit, Aiden would kill me if I put any harm to the two most important people in his life.

His words, not mine.

I walked up to the mansion, parking my car in the driveway, and opening the door.

"Honey, I'm home." I called through the home.

The only response I got was sobbing I knew to well.

I rushed to the noise of the crying, and opened the door to a beautiful room.

Adriana lay there on the bed, her tears soaking the sheets, turning them dark.

I was at her side in an instant, and reassuring her along the way.

"What happened?" I asked her.

Her sobs only got louder.

"G-Grant, h-he.." she stuttered out the words.

"What did that boy do now?"

I patted her back until her sobs quieted.

"I told him that there is a pretty good chance that I'm pregnant, and he stormed out."

"Where is he now?" I gritted out, fully in Luna mode.

"Probably in his study, where he thinks."

I stormed out of the room, up to Grant's study.

I opened the door where he sat at a desk.

He stood up when I entered.

"Luna." he bowed.

"Don't Luna me, how could you?"

I went up to his towering hight, and smacked him so hard, his head flung to the side.

He turned to me eyes to the ground.

"Do you know your mate is in her room, bawling her eyes out because of you?"

His eyes softened at the sound of his mate.

"Go apoligize." I ordered, in my Luna voice, so he couldn't disobey.

"Yes, Luna."

He walked out the door with a stiff stance.

I sighed, and walked to Aiden's office.

Opening the door, and seeing Aiden, raising at me.

He grinned when he saw me, pulling me close.

"How has your day been?" he asked.

"Tiring." I said.

He gave me a look to explain further, and I told him about Grant and Adriana.

He looked ready to kill.

I calmed him down, and kissed him, cuddling slightly.

"You will have your ceremony tommorow." he said.

I nodded, I would be accepted in to this pack and officially become Luna.

What could go wrong?


Im really tired so sorry for the mistakes.

No updates tommorow, Im travelling. :-(

But another cliffhanger!
So... Tired...




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