Chapter 27

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Hello to my amazing fans!!! I'm really sorry for not updating sooner, I'm supposed to twice a day, but now I usually update every other day, sorry, life is really hectic at the moment. Enjoy this chapter! Ari's outfit above^^^

It had been an amazing yet stressful couple of weeks.

The pack had rejoiced to the news that there Alpha couple was having twins.

As where we.

My baby bump was getting bigger, what seemed like every day.

I sighed in content.

I will be holding my babies in no time.

Today, Aiden had asked me to go on a date.

I was surprised at the fact that he could pry away from Alpha duties, which he always stuck to.

He was amazing.

Everything I could ever ask for, plus so much more.

I was in love with Aiden Cane and couldn't be any happier.

Aiden told me to dress comfy, and didn't give me a clue where we were going.

"It's going to be a surprise!" he exclaimed, his eyes had lit up.

I strolled into my closet, trying to decide what to wear.

Since Aiden had left me helpless in the what to wear department, I settled on a cute, yet comfy outfit.

I grabbed my navy blue sweatshirt, pulling it over my head, before slipping on my faded jeans.

I paired the outfit with my white lace Toms, and a silver bracket.

I grabbed my purse, right before Aiden stuck his head in the closet.

"Ready to go, babe?"

I nodded and he grabbed my hand, as we walked outside to the car.

Albert, who was Aiden's designated driver, held the door open for me, and I warmly smiled at him, before sliding in.

We drove silently, Aiden absentmindedly rubbing my swelling baby, as he typed away on his phone.

"What do you think we should name them?" I asked, breaking the silence.

He looked at me, thinking hard, then he shrugged.

"Whatever you want princess." he said, then went back to texting.

I frowned and looked out the window.

Aiden had been distant lately, but it was understandable since he was an Alpha, and simultaneously had to run Cane Industries.

The car stopped at a long stretch of runway.

Albert opened the door for us, and I climbed out, Aiden right behind me.

A stunning private jet stood in front of us, and so did the stairs that led right up to it.

We walked up the stairs, a pretty air hostess greeting us with warm smiles.

The interior of the jet was gorgeous.

It had plush leather seats on both sides of the plane, which held flat screen T.V.'s.

Lights hung from the ceiling.

They where dim, so they set the mood.

The whole jet screamed rich, and the colors where dark grey, with a hint of blue, which screamed Aiden.

The air hostess poured Aiden champagne, and me grape juice and served us strawberries cloved in chocolate.

I strapped myself in, and we took of to the skies.

Half an hour through the ride, I felt really uncomfortable, and couldn't sleep.

The babies where kicking up a storm inside of me, and I winced in slight pain.

Aiden noticing my discomfort, got out of his chair, and held his hand out to me.

I took his hand and he led us to the back of the jet, where he opened a door to the right.

We entered the room, which had a king sized bed and was decorated for the purpose of comfort. 

The walls where painted a light grey, and the room had its own kitchen and bathroom.

I gave Aiden a slight smile, and climbed under the covers, Aiden wrapping his arms around me and rubbing my belly, which calmed the kids down, knowing that there father was right there.

I turned around and kissed him.

"How are you so good to me?"

He grinned.

"Because I love you Ari."

My heart melted at his words.

"I love you too." I whispered back as sleep overtook me.



If you haven't noticed yet, I have made another book, which contains the, um..., the ugh "special scenes".

I didn't want to put them here, because we have innocent children reading this book, and people who feel uncomfortable.

If that is you, I completely understand, so I am doing this for you.

But to those who like that kind of stuff, be sure to check it out, I have not written anything yet, but I will tell you when I do.

Question of the day ( about you): What is you favorite movie?

Authors Answer: I have a ton of different movies I like, but right now, I am really obsessed with Million Dollar Arm, who else?

Question of the day (about book): Where do you think Aiden is taking Ari for there date?

Be sure to answer the questions, it brings this family closer.

ILYSM!!!!! :D



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