Chapter 31

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I just realized that we have come so far in this book. So many chapters. But, hey, its worth it *insert fifth harmony song here*.
I spent a week on this chapter, perfecting and delicately enhancing each word to utter perfection.
If this isn't the Holy Grail then I don't know what is. Enjoy my lovlies!!!! I'm kidding lmao ♡♡♡

As usual I have a music video, but I am also attaching covers people have sent me. Above ^^^

This music video video is Megan Trainors "Like I'm Gonna Lose You".... it goes with with the with the chapter perfectly and I absolutely love it!!!!

I collapsed, sinking on to my knees as a wave of pain cloaked my body.

It hurt. Bad.

The tears that had formed in my eyes fell freely, and I greeted them.

I could feel the confusion and hurt that Aiden was feeling through the mate bond.

The dull pain in my chest intensified to a strong ache that only grew as time progressed.

Serina paced around in my mind, whimpering at the thought of our mate.

He just didn't understand.

The sun had gone down, and it was dark.

A small cool breeze made me shiver, goosebumps raising on my skin.

I wrapped my arms around myself, slowly getting up, ignoring at the numbness in my legs.

The same man who had guided us out approached me with his head slightly bowed, leading me outside, where a car was waiting my arrival.

"At least he left a ride for us." Serina whispered in my head.

I stepped in the car, ignoring her, and we where off to wherever Aiden had set up.

I glanced outside the window where miles and miles of coastline whizzed passed us before we finally came to a sudden halt in front of a grand hotel.

The car door opened, and I wobbled out of the car.

A bell boy took my purse and checked me in, leading us up in a glass elevator.

The doors dinged open, and we walked down a magnificent hallway with grand paintings and classy accessories.

He stopped at a two door entrance, and granted me access, before bowing and heading out the door to preform his duties.

I sighed and collapsed on the bed, pulling the covers over my aching head.

The twins where uneasy, knowing that there father wasn't near was making them restless, and they wouldn't stop churning.

I groaned at the small yet strong kicks they delivered, which didn't help my intensifying headache.

"We should have listened to him." Serina said.

I silently agreed and I reached for my iPhone 6s, and yes it was rose gold, you really have to ask?

I called Aiden, his number was on speedial so it didn't take long, but it went straight to voicemail, which meant he was ignoring me.

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