Chapter 3

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We arrived at the local club where the hottest parties took place. I looked around, scanning my area. Sarah and Paige gave me one last look to make sure I was okay, and when I nodded, winked at me and wandered away.

I once again scanned the crowd. The woman here where beautiful. I didn't compare to any of them. I bit my lip and pulled down my dress self consciously as I walked to the bar.

I ordered a round of shots as strong as they come and quickly chugged them down, liking the familiar way it burned before it was washed away. I heard whistles and murmurs of appreciation as I turned around. I visibly smirked held my head up high, eyeing some of the guys that had whistled at me. "Not bad", I thought to myself. I downed my last drink and hit the dance floor, letting my heartache drown into the thumping of the drums


I groaned at the bright light shining in my eyes as a sat awake. My eyes widened as I saw a huge, muscled arm draped across my waist. I struggled to get out of his iron-strong grip. I looked up and gasped at what I saw. In front of me was the most handsome man that I had ever seen. He had sharp cheekbones and the best jawline I had ever laid eyes upon. His eyes where closed and he was sleeping peacefully. He looked like a perfect angel. My perfect angel. Whoa, where did that come from. "He would never be mine, he was too perfect and god-like", I scolded myself. I ran my fingertips on his face and traced his perfect features. He snuggled closer to my hand, and I mentally awed. I never wanted to leave, even though I didn't know this man. I always wanted a husband that would tell me I am beautiful every night and kiss my forehead when he left for work.

I shook my head back into reality, those things would never happen. I sighed. Then my angel took his arm off my waist and shifted to face the other side of the wall. I immediately felt cold air hit me like a ton of bricks. I looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings. I quickly checked around for my phone, and cursed under my breath when, it came up missing.

I looked over at the nightstand table, where a digital clock was placed and realized that I had to get back home, Sarah and Paige would be worried sick about me. I quickly got dressed and grabbed my shoes. I looked over at my handsome angel and kissed his soft lips gently, so I wouldn't wake him up. I blushed as I remembered the events of last night.

I ran my hand through my long wavy hair and ran out of the hotel room, forcing myself not to look back at the perfect Greek god I had left behind. I took the bus home and found Paige and Sarah trying to make cupcakes. Key word - trying. There was flour everywhere, especially on them and cracked egg shells on the kitchen floor.

I cleared my throat, and raised my eyebrows. There heads snapped up and they grinned at each other. I looked at them horrified at what they where about to do. I knew these girls like the back of my hand. Nothing, and I mean nothing would get stop them when it was set on there minds.

"No, please", I begged, but they just shook there heads and slowly crept forward as I moved back in terror. Sarah grabbed the flour and Paige grabbed the eggs. "Food fight", they yelled together as they started throwing ingredients at each other. I slowly turned around, and took a couple of steps to my room, to avoid there crazy, childish food fight.

Suddenly, I felt something hit me in the back of my head. I touched that part of my head, and looked at my hand. There where eggshells covered in yellow, yucky, yolk.

I slowly turned around and they both gulped in fear. I grinned evilly as a thought crossed my mind. I grabbed some flour from the floor and eggs that had rolled around next to my foot. "You want a food fight, you get a food fight," I screamed as I threw the egg at Sarah's face. She was shocked at first, but then snapped back into reality. Paige threw another egg at my face and Sarah threw another egg at Paige. "Let the fight began!", Sarah yelled. I loved these idiots.


Hey guys,

I am so sorry that I haven't updated in a long time. I have a lot of studying to do for finals in a couple of days and I am really stressing out. But anyway here is chapter 3!!! Hope you guys like it. I will regularly start updating after a week, because I will be free after finals. Comment and vote please, you don't know how much it means to me. Staying Beautiful!!!

Love you with all my heart!


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