Chapter 26

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I should have a name for you guys... Something silly but awesome, comment what you think! Enjoy the pleasant relief of a cliffhanger...


"Hmm... that's weird." he muttered.

My heart dropped in my chest, Aiden's hold clenching.

Sam cleared his throat, his eyes held grief and sorrow.

"I'm sorry but..."

I waited, waited for whatever could change our lives forever.

My heart was pounding out of my chest.

My wolf was whimpering at the thought of our pup, hurting.

I felt guilty and depressed, what kind of Luna couldn't produce a heir for her Alpha?


I would embarrass Aiden, and there would be no heir, nobody to take over the biggest pack in North America.

I looked at Sam, begging him to spit it out, the faster the band-aid is ripped out, the less pain there is, right?

I had wiped of the goo and pulled my shirt back down.

With Aiden by my side, we faced our future, together.

"Your having twins." he said, with a sorrow in his voice.

My eyebrows shot up.

"How is that bad?" I questioned slowly.

"I'm going to have to bring twice the present's!" he wailed.

I sighed in relief, looking at Aiden, who looked as relieved as I felt.

I jumped to Aiden, hugging him as hard as I could, wrapping my legs around his waist.

He stumbled back, but caught me, laughing as I peppered kisses around his face.

"I'm so happy." I whispered in his ear, a tear escaping my eye.

He wiped the tear away with the pad of his thumb.

"I love you." he said.

My eyes widened at the confession.

He loved me, he actually loved me.

Our lives where perfect right now, but of course the moment was interrupted.

"Aww look at you two!" Sam squeled, mocking the over girly girl voice.

I glared at him, sauntering over to him.

I smacked the back of his head.

"I will hate you forever!" I declared to him.

"Well you better get used to it, I'm Aiden's best friend after all."

"After pulling that stunt, are you sure about that?" Aiden said, putting an arm around my waist, pulling me close and nuzzling my neck.

Sam pouted but smiled.

"I'm sorry." he apoligized.

I smiled an okay.

He bowed,"Alpha, Luna."

Sam left us alone and as soon as the door closed I was grabbed and kissed hard.

Aiden licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance.

I denied his tounge, which was tempting me beyond belief.

He growled out, squeezing my ass, making me gasp, which he took full advantage of.

He explore every inch of my mouth with his skilled tongue.

I moaned his name out as he continued exploring my body, this time with his hands.

"You better not be making any more babies in there!" Sam's voice warned through the door.

I broke off the kiss laughing and pressing my forehead against Aiden's who added a small chuckle.

"We should go home, go tell everyone the happy news." Aiden spoke.

I nodded and we walked out of the office, hand in hand.

We announced the news to the immediate family, who where over joyed.

I couldn't be happier with my life right now.

Who knew about the dangers that where right around the corner.


Hope you liked that chapter, anyone noticing the last sentences in the last few chapters?!

Oh and that really hot guy up there that made you drool, yeah that's Sam, now you know why Ari asked him if he was a model.

Question of the day (about you):
What is your favirote food?

Question of the day (about the book): Who do you like better Grant or Sam? Why?

Question just because: Do you think that this book can go far? Can you help me promote this book, like to your wattpad friends and on threads that ask? Thank you if you do!!



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