Chapter 7

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Double Update because y'all deserve it!!! Enjoy!! That's Grant Anderson above, just imagine him with green eyes. Also, I added the song 'Stitches' By: Shawn Mendes, I was listening to it on repeat the whole time I was writing this chapter.


I woke up again to the now familiar room. The pain throughout my body had lessened.

My hand was still woven in with Dr. Anderson's, as I looked up at him I noticed that he had traded his doctor's coat with a navy sweatshirt and jeans.

I gently squeezed his hand and he sat awake. "Why are you still here, didn't you have to work?" I asked.

"Sounds like you don't want me here." he said, clearly amused.

"No!" I said a little bit to fast. His smirk widened.

"For your information, I took the day off  for you." he caressed my palm, playing with my fingers before continuing, "I am know only your doctor for the day and I don't regret it one bit."

I smiled at that. 

"Thank you Dr. Anderson." I said

"Please, call me Grant." he protested.

" Only if you call me Ari." I bargained.


A comfortable silence took over the room, as I looked at him.

Grant was gorgeous, there was no doubt about that. He had perfectly styled dirty blonde hair and a sharp jawline that made woman weak in the knees.

"Like what you see?"  Grant smirked. I rolled my eyes and tried to cover up the blush that clouded my cheeks.

" Not with that huge ego, I don't." I replied with a cocky tone.

For the next few hours, Grant and I just talked. I learned many things about him, like how he graduated from Stanford, with a full scholarship.

Talking to Grant was comfortable, considering we had just met, yesterday.

" All though I would love to continue this conversation, I have to draw your blood, to see if anything is wrong, just in case." Grant said.

I nodded understandingly. " Great, I will be right back."  Grant walked out and as he did my gaze wandered to his butt. Definitely had a cute butt, I smirked to myself.  

After a few minutes, Grant walked back in, with his lab coat on this time. He sat back down on the chair beside me, and sanitized the spot where the needle was going to be.

"Okay this is going to hurt a little bit, but your going to be okay." I nodded as he continued.

"I'm going to count to three... One.... Two... He then stuck the needle in my arm. I winced at the sharp sting, that slowly faded.

"See that wasn't so bad, was it?"

"No, it wasn't that bad." I replied.

"You are going to feel a little weak and light headed, so I suggest you sleep."

"I'm not tired." I said as my eyelids slowly drooped.

"Liar." he chuckled as my eyes shot open to prove my point.

He gently, yet firmly pushed my shoulders back onto the hospital bed. "Get some sleep, your going to need it." Grant said.

"Yes dad." I mocked.

"The results will be back, when you wake up." he continued.

"I am not going to sleep, that's all I have been doing." I argued stubbornly.

"What if I stay here with you, until you fall asleep."

"Fine." I sighed.

I shifted over and he climbed in the bed with me.

As I was on the brink of sleep, I felt two muscled arms wrap around my thin frame and pull me to a hard chest.

I snuggled deeper into Grant's arms.

"Go to sleep, princess" he said as he kissed my temple.

With Grants comforting arm's around me, I fell into the world of darkness once again.



Double Update for my awesome readers!!! So, what do you think about Grant Anderson?  And the fact that he is basically a stranger to her and they are sleeping together? Well, you know what I mean. He is a doctor though, but would you trust him? I may, I may not. That picture that I found of him..... I had trouble breathing. This chapter was a lot longer than most of my other one's which is a accomplishment for me. Vote, comment and share this please, it motivates me even more!!! Love you all!!!


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