Chapter 19

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Hi Okay so right now I am in the middle of packing to go to Florida, it is taking forever, so I decided to update.

I pushed myself off of Aiden's lap, and ran to Grant, launching myself at him, wrapping my legs around his waist.

He stumbled back, but recovered quickly, wrapping his arms around me, laughing loudly.

A loud growl sounded throughout the room, and I quickly detangled myself from Grant.

Aiden was at my side, his arms wrapped around me.

I could tell he was having a hard time controlling himself from killing Grant, so I took his hand and put it on my growing belly.

Aiden relaxed immediatly, and kissed my forehead.

Grant's eyes widened at the small motion, and his mouth was left gaping.

I chuckled lightly.

"H-How, W-What's going on?" Grant stammered.

Aiden glared at Grant, before speaking.

"Grant, this is my mate, but I guess you already know each other."

I pleaded with my eyes to Grant, not to say anything.

"Grant and I where friends in college, we met in class and studied together." I lied, clearing my throat.

Grant nodded along with the lie.

"With all due respect Alpha, why is she here?"

"We have to go see the pack doctor." I answered.

"Why is everything alright?" Grant asked, his voice filled with worry.

"Everything is fine." Aiden spoke, "You are know dismissed."

"Yes Alpha." Grant responded, and walked out stiffly.

"That was rude." I spoke, turning to Aiden.

His teeth clenched, he hissed out.

"I don't want you near him while I'm not around."

"He has a mate for gosh sakes!" I protested, "He's like a brother to me."

"Did you or did you not have intimate relations with him?" Aiden hissed out.

I hesitated and Aiden caught my hesitation.

His eyes darkened.

"But that was before I met you." I explained, cupping his cheek so he would look at me.

His eyes where still hard, but he didn't look as angry.

"I love you, Aiden, only you."

He looked down at me in suprise.

"Y-You love me?" he spoke in disbelief.

I nodded my head shyly.

He grasped my chin, so that I was looking at him, and captured my lips with his.

"Eww mommy, bubba kissing a girl!" a voice rang out.

I broke away from Aiden, and an adorable boy stood there, next to a beautiful woman, who appeared to be his mom.

Aiden laughed, and the boy came running as fast as his short, chubby legs would go, launching himself on Aiden, who picked him up in his arms.

I smiled, Aiden would be a great father.

The woman walked to my side, and gave me a smile.

"Hi, my name is Ariana, and I am Aiden's mate." I spoke, introducing myself.

"My name is Katherine, and I am the mom of those two goofballs over there." she said, pointing to Aiden and his little brother.

Katherine pulled me into a hug, "Welcome to the family." she whispered in my ear.

"Oh and congratulations on the baby." she spoke.

I looked at her in shock.

"How did you know?" I asked her.

"Well I can see a small bump, your hand is on your belly, and Aiden can't keep his eyes off of you, just like his father was when I was pregnant."

I looked up at Aiden, our eyes found each others and I smiled at him.

He walked over towards us, and introduced his baby brother.

"Babe, this is my little brother, Adam, Adam this is my mate, Ariana."

Adam smiled shyly at me, then buried his face in Aiden's neck, whispering in his ear.

Aiden listened to his brother, then grinned.

"Adam want's you to know, that you are very pretty."

I smiled at Adam, who had peaked up at me, and took him from Aiden's arms.

"Adam can I tell you a secret?" I asked out loud.

"I think you are more handsome than your bubba." I whispered in his ear.

Adam grinned ear to ear.

"Bubba, she thinks that I'm handsomer than you!" he yelled out.
Okay sorry for this chapter, its just not a good day today, there is paint everywhere on expensive new furniture, and my dad is not going to be happy, so I really wasn't in the mood to write.

I might have to take a break for a few days, since Im traveling too.

I will tell you when I decide.

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