Chapter 13

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Enjoy this chapter and tell me what you think, It would be a pleasure to talk to you ;-) Sorry for the mistakes.

It had been a few weeks from that first day I had walked into the building for my interwiew.

I had gotton the job, and I had grown accostumed to my schedule.

I grabbed the folder for the next patient, going over there file as I walked to the private room.

The room was brightly lit, and the walls where painted with numerous cartoon characters.

To my suprise, on the examining table, lay Adriana.

I noticed her tear stained face, and ushered over to her side.

Her face held recognition, and to my shock, she broke down.

I consoled her, and wiped away her tears, holding her while she let everything out.

When her sobs had been tamed, I spoke.

"You know this is a Pediatric office, right?"

She horsley chuckled, but nodded.

I raised my eyebrows in question.

She hesitated, before speaking.

"I think I might be pregnant."

I grinned at her "That's wonderful news, but then why are you crying?

"What is Grant going to do, I don't even think he wants a baby and with the wedding-

"Your engaged?" I squealed before pulling her into a bone-crushing hug.

She laughed at my exitment.

Then, as of a flick of a switch, her face morphed into sorrow.

"What if Grant doesn't want the baby, and wants to get rid of it then-"

"Grant will never do such a thing, god help him if he does."

"He loves you more than life itself, and will love you even more now that your carring his child." I spoke firmly.

"Now before we jump to any conclusions, how about we get you tested, did you take a pregnancy test?" I asked her, fully in doctor mode.

She nodded,"I did, it came up positive, but I just wanted to make sure."

"Good idea."

I took out the test, and handed it to her, while giving her instructions.

I led her into the bathroom, and waited for her outside, my hand tentatively rubbing my belly.

The bathroom door opened, and I led Adriana back to the room where I sealed the sample up.

"It will take about two days for the results to come in, shall I schedule you an appointment?"

She nodded and shakily smiled.

I led her to the receptionists desk, making an appointment myself.

Everbody had gone home, it was well past closing time.

"Do you need a ride anywhere?" I asked her.

"No, my ride is waiting outside."

"Okay, wait up, I'll walk you out."

I quickly closed all the lights, and we walked out of the office together.

We climbed down the stairs, to the garage level where the cars where parked.

I heard a manly voice, before I could see the man.

Hearing our footsteps, he turned around and my jaw dropped.

Standing before me was the one and only Mr.Greek God...


I updated yay!!

What did yall think about the end??

I thought it was pretty sneaky on my side, he he.

Anyone see this coming? Comment what you think.

I am trying hard to make the chapters longer, because I love you all.

Dont be afraid to hit that vote button, *hint* *hint* *wink* *wink*.

Love you!

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