Chapter 40

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Dedicated to my grandma, who died a few years ago on Christmas Day. I love you, and and I miss you grandma. You fought Cancer long and hard, two full years of hell on Earth. But i know your doing okay without us.
Look out for me up there.. :-)


Aiden and Ari's outfits above^^

And my fave Christmas carol, if that counts as a Christmas Carol XD

Is this the last chapter of "Our Beautiful Mistake"..

The world may never know..

Okay, the time has come for me to reveal the answer.. can I get a drum roll please *drum roll*


It has been an amazing journey, writing my very first book, and I had the best readers and supporters ever. Wattpad has been amazing, you all have been amazing, go eat cake, you deserve it...

Please read the note at the end.. Thanks!!


My eyes opened to sunlight streaming through the windows in our room. I groaned pulling the covers over my head, shielding myself from the bright light.

I hadn't gotten a wink of sleep last night, for some reason the twins had been restless, when one of them had been finally fed and rocked back to sleep, the other little devil would wake.

Either they needed to be fed, or diapers needed to be changed. Aiden and I had taken turns, and I was thankful for the wonderful mate I had, but every few hours, a cry would peirce through the silent night.

Speaking of silent night, Christmas was right around the corner, and right before the twins birth, I had gone shopping for everyone, the whole entire family.

I flipped the lush covers off of me, so that I could breathe, to find my very toned mate staring down at me.

Aiden's shirt was off, and his mouthwatering abs were perfectly on display.

"Morning, princess."

"Go away." I muttered, snuggling back in to the king sized bed.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, the twins are awake, and eagerly hungry."

I groaned again, but reluctantly slid out of my warm bed, shuffling towards the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth, and made my way down the hall to the twins bedroom.

Kayden's eyes were wide open, and he was slightly gurgling, which meant he was hungry.

"Hi, baby boy, how is my angle doing today?" I cooed, rubbing noses him.

He smiled up at me, which was shocking since he was so young. I slowly lifted up my shirt and Kayden latched on. It was a uncomfortable at first, but I had gotten used to it.

Just as Kayden had drifted to sleep, Aiden walked in to the room, straight over to Hayden, we're the baby was waking. He picked him up, and walked over to me, his muscles flexing through the tight white T-shirt he wore.

Hayden shifted slightly in his father's arms, but was fast asleep as Aiden rocked him slowly.

"We did well." I whispered, to Aiden, not wanting to wake the twins up.

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