Chapter 11

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How is everybody's day going?
There might be a couple mistakes in this chapter because I am typing this on my phone and its really hard so bear with me!! Now on with the story!!





I groaned.

This had been going on for a freaking hour and I was exausted.

Grant and I where arguing on something I had set my mind to.

I was about to be realeased from the hospital, and he wanted to "nurse" me back to health.

"I'm fine!" I yelled. "I dont need anyone taking care of me!"

"No your not!"

"Why are you so focused on me anyway?"

He hesitated before speaking " I can't tell you that right now, but I promise you will know soon enough."

I glared at him "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"So what's your favorite color?" Grant spoke, trying to change the subject.

"Don't try to change the subject, mister!"

He put his hands up, as if surrendering.

Then smirking slyly,"I love it when you get all dominating with me."

"Shut it." I hissed at him.

"Well I have to go get my ma-, er, girlfriend, we have a date tonight!"

I smiled.

Grant was so happy when he talked about Adriana, and I could see the love in his eyes when he talked about her.

Suprisingly, it didn't bother me, in fact I had a weird sence of pride.

Like a mother would with her child.

It was weird.

But Grant and I had agreed to become friends just because it was better for us.

Plus it would be weird dating your doctor.

"Okay, bye Grant."

He leaned down and kissed my temple before walking out of the room.

Suprisingly, there where no tingles, where his lips had been, like before.

I put one hand on my stomach, and slowly rubbed.

I had always dreamed of having a baby, but never like this.

With a husband, who would come home to me and kiss me goodnight.

But that only happened in movies and fairytales.

Great, I thought to myself, I'm jelous of Jasmine.



How are ya'll doing??

What do you think that Grant was about to say??

Who is your fave Disney princess??

Mine is Jasmine!!

Anyway who likes the new cover and title?!

I love it!!

This chapter for me was bittersweet, because I was listening to One Direction songs on repeat. Im not a huge fan, but Zayn was my fave. What about you?

Its pretty sad that people are #cutforzayn. Like really?!! Get a hold of yourself!! Sorry about the rant, lol.

Anyway have a great day!

- Sarah :D

P.S. What is your fave One Direction Song??

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