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Aiden and Ari's outift above^


Adele moment there.. Anyway here is the much awaited Epilogue (at least for me), I just wasn't ready to say goodbye to my characters yet, so here we are again!

*Warning- This Epilogue contains suprises that will come to you as a shock, do not read if you have heart problems, or have a history of heart problems.

Side Affects may include: Heart attacks, difficulty in breathing, headaches, constipation and diarrhea. You have been warned..



A few weeks later..

"We need a day to ourselves."

I looked up at Aiden, wiping away the sweat from my brow. We had been on our daily run, that we had started a few weeks ago because of all the baby fat I had gained during the pregnancy, not that Aiden was complaining.

He was built like a freaking machine, and our runs was like walking to him. I was pretty fit before the kids, but bingeing on donuts and cookies quickly made that a distant dream.

"How are we going to do that with the twins?" I asked, laughing at the thought of leaving my kids alone.

"I'll get my mom to take care of them, just please, we need to spend some time together." he pleaded.

"Okay, okay, well spend a day together." I sighed, giving in. There was no point in arguing when I knew I was going to lose.

"I love you." he said, kissing my sweaty forehead.

"I know." I said, kissing him square on the lips.

We slowly jogged back to the mansion, enjoying the fresh air and the scenery, while the thumps of our steps against the concrete matched our labored breaths.

"Race you to the door!" I said, picking up my pace with the strength I had left.

"Oh no you dont!" Aiden said, right behind me.

I was closing in on the door, but was suddenly launched in to the air as Aiden wrapped his arms around me, picking me up and spinning me around.

When he finally had set me down, I wrapped my arms around his neck to pull his lips to mine. I deepened the kiss, distracting him by roaming my hands up and down his chiseled body.

He groaned in my mouth, and right after, I stomped as hard as I could on his foot and took off to the door.

"Son of a bitch!" he yelled, holding his foot in pain, which I laughed at.

"You little devil!" he exclaimed, running up to me, he healed pretty quick.

"I couldn't help it!" I said, giggling at his face of discomfort.

"I hate that I love you." he said.

"Well then I hate you." I said, tip toeing to kiss him.

"Mhmm, that could work out." he said in to my kiss.

I broke away before it got too hot and heavy, and made my way to the kitchen grabbing a water bottle and drinking half of it.

Aiden came in to the kitchen with his phone on his ear, muttering a few words that I couldn't quite comprehend, and hung up.

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