Chapter 39

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Hello to my amazingly beautiful people!! Here is chapter 39, the second to last chapter if this book. My heart is literally aching because of how much I'm going to miss you guys! But no fear... there will be a sequel, which will be published soon after the last chapter of this book. I fell madly in love with Aiden and Ari and their story, I hope you did too. This is not the end, as we will meet again (In the next chapter)... and in the other book...

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me ;-)

Above is Tori Kelly's song "Hollow" which I love!!! Ughh she is so good!! Her voice is like an angles, bless her heart. ◆

I hope you enjoy!


I spared one last glance to Damon, one of pure hatred. I was his sister goddammit, he had no right to speak to me like that.

It had been years since we had last seen each other. I had gone off to college, and Damon had just started his residency. There was no time for family reunions.. for the family we had left.

Mom and Dad had died from a mysterious robbery at our home, nestled in between a park and a good neighborhood. There was no thought of a robbery before the attack happened, it was a completely safe area.

I had been devastated, my parents ripped out of my life like a bandaid would on a child.

Damon had been there for me , being the over protective brother that everyone loved . By everyone, I mean everyone. He was one of the cool kids who was invited to everything, and had girls clinging to his arm, like pesky little bees.

I was the quite one of the siblings, the one who would rather read a book at lunch, then socialize with friends, with the few I had.

I still remember the day that Damon acknowledged my presence at school. Usually, we would part ways at the door, without goodbyes. I knew I would tarnish his reputation, so I stayed away. Until Damon stood up for me.

It had been any other high school day, and I was walking to my last period Advanced Biology class, when a group of the popular kids had walked by, one of the guys catching my eye and winking, while raking his eyes up and down my body.

I still remembered how he had whistled slowly, catching everyone's attention, including the fuming girl on his arm.

She then had stomped over to me, or at least tried to with the nine inch heals she had wore, and slapped me straight across the face, all while threatening me.

Yes, I had been bullied in high school, but it was nothing I couldn't handle.

Damon, being apart of that popular crowd, had punched the guy who whistled at me in the nose, with a loud crunch that could probably be heard around the world. With that, he stalked over to me, raising me chin in his hand while gently carresing over it, while I had whimpered.

I had hugged him hard, inhaling his familiar scent while whispering in a frantic worry about his reputation.

"Your more important then something that wouldn't matter in a few years. You on the other hand, would."

I smiled to the mirror in the front of the car, as I recalled the memory.

Aiden was driving in front, while I was in the back with the twins, who were happily sucking there thumbs in the mouths.

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