Chapter 17

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So I cleared some things up from the last chapter, this chapter will help even more, I hope you enjoy it though, sorry for all the confusion.


"What's heat?" I moaned at the sudden rush of warmth rushing through my body.

Aiden's eyes darkened even more than before as he explained.

"It's when the female goes into a period of, umm, lust, towards her mate."

Aiden carried me in his arms to the bathtub, turning on the cold water tap, and placing me in.

The cold water soothed my hot body.

"Why does it happen?" I asked when the pain had decreased.

His eyebrows furrowed at my question.

He sighed before speaking.

"A female wolf goes into heat to speed up the mating process, and to get pregnant. The scent of a wolf in heat is near impossible to resist by unmates wolves." he growled out.

"Then why  am I in heat, we have already mated and I am pregnant, is there something wrong with me?" I asked, my voice filled with worry.

He growled at that,"Don't you dare say that there is nothing wrong with you, you are perfect just the way you are."

"Thanks." I sighed.

When I finished my bath, Aiden pulled my naked body out of the bathtub, and covered me in a towel.

He then carefully placed me on the bed, the heat returning to my body.

Aiden opened my closet and pulled out something for me to wear.

He walked over to the bed, and dressed me.

Light brushes of his fingertips sent waves of pleasure through my body.

I moaned out at his touch and his eyes visibly darkened.

He shook his head, and I agreed, we couldn't.

"I know, I don't think we should do anything either, just hold me until I fall asleep?" I begged him.

He smirked but nodded, immediatly on the bed wrapping his arms around me.

I sighed in content as his touch cooled my body, ever so slightly.

"I will find out tommorow why this is happening, okay?"

I nodded.

"Oh and you still have to meet the pack."

I froze at the thought of that.

As if scencing my stiffnes he ressured me, saying it was going to be a while.

Aiden had taught me a lot about werewolves. Everything from Alphas to Betas, and much more.

Aiden was the Alpha of the Night Shadow Pack, the biggest in North America.

You could see the pride in his eyes when he talked about them.

Aiden's hands traveled to my stomach, and right on cue, the baby kicked, as if knowing his father was right there.

It freaked me out, but Aiden just chuckled.

"Do you want a girl or a boy?" he asked me, breaking the silence.

I shrugged, "I wouldn't mind, but honestly, a boy, who looked just like you."

Aiden grinned. "I want it to be a girl, who takes after her beautiful mother."

I smiled, and flipped onto my other side, facing Aiden, and snuggling deeper in his solid chest.

"Go to sleep princess." he spoke, "You need it after these last couple of days."

I yawned tiredly, agreeing.

That night I fell asleep to the sound of Aiden's heartbeat.

Second update for today, hope you like it, it wasnt as exiting as the last one but it cleared some things up, I hope.

Anywho, I am really trying hard to make these chapters longer so yayy for me.

Ok well I dont have anything else to say, so byeeeeee!!

-Sarah :D

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